Best Speaker under 31 inches tall

I want to put a speaker on top of the refrigerator...Its 31.5 inches to the ceiling...I'm running Gershman RX 20 for
my main speakers..Any suggestion would be appreciated.
kennyt is right. sean & kirk, you guys are really impolite. so tony, let me make sure i've got your configuration down. you want a center channel only for the top of the fridge, which you apparently use as a very clever ht monitor? i'd just get another gershman and turn it sideways. cut off the overhang and cover the scar with decorative paper. see -cfb
Shame on you Sean! Everyone at this web-site knows "BOSE" is a four letter word. Even people that don't frequent this web-site know "BOSE" is a four letter word. As a matter of fact, I pity anyone who thinks "BOSE" is anything more or less than a four letter word. Hope this helps:~)
Replace your fridge with two small dormitory models 18-24" tall. Use some quality spikes to spkie them to the floor. I would then get a few pouds of blu-tak to isolate them form the speakers. You now have a symetrical setup and have plenty of vertical room to set up your speakers. You could still use your Gershmans, but I would recommend using a large sattelite subwoofer system. This would be aesthetically more appealing and having the subwoofer off in a corner would keep the bass off the fridge and hopefully save your eggs from the threat of getting scrambled.
I would reccomend a beautiful pair of Sonus Faber Concertina monitors, a beatiful Walnut and leather clad Italian beauty that would not embarrass any fine kitchen appliance. To add some serious bass to this I would tuck a REL subwoofer of in a corner.
I know this is a lot to consider but it truly is the only way to meld the sonic performance you are looking for (Imaging, soundstage and detail) with a major kitchen appliance. The fridge being the obvious choice and I applaud you for it the oven would prove an obvious hazzard and the dishwasher is just plain to noisy. I would recommend auditioning a few different fridges and seeing which on best compliments your speaker of coice. I would strongly recommend carpeting the front door of the fridge to cut back on any unwanted time smearing reflections.
Bon Appetite
Hello...This is a serious inquiry...although I have to laugh
at the comments...Actually I have two places for is no problem...but the other has to go on top
of the refrigerator...I'm actually running two receivers
off of this amp,pre amp tuner....with one receiver using the AUX to control the volume and balance..independently from my main system...I like them up high...It gives a much fuller,rich,sound...the second receiver goes to a Klipch Mark 2 15" subwoofer....and the third receiver goes to a small subwoofer for a little extra bass boost...if i want it..It just gives me so much more control over the sound...
More...Right now I'm using a pair of GENESIS that are 29 in. tall...they were made in the mid to late 80's and have an
extended bass...with sweet mids and nice tweeter...but I'm always looking to upgrade...Here in New Hampshire its hard
to find any hi end I decided to ask to will narroiw my search...thanks tony