Need practical advice from practical people, My Martin Logan SL3's are "tear your head off bright". I originally had a parasound line preamp, 2 parasound 125 wpc amps in a horizontal biamp configuration. I was told to try wiring the amps either mono or vertical biamp, try different interconnects, try different speaker cables, and try a different preamp. Well, I spent quite a bit of money and sonically, believe me when I say, there was absolutely no differnce at all. I'm certain, no ear could hear even the slightest differences. I'm not getting into the brands of cables I tried, i'm convinced solving real problems with cables is just BS. I went from the parasound pre to an EAD encore. I have been able to fix the problem, and make my system sound absolutely amazing. The problem is my wife cant deal with the blankets draped over the Martin Logans in our living room. Please help and give real advice. I'm considering giving up on ESL's, however there are many sonic advantages, that I really like about them. Please dont even bother with any ideas about positioning them, they have been everywhere except in the basement.

Thanks, Steve
one of the best tweaks to tone down the potential brightness was power cords and interconnects. It was amazing the difference made. My Martin-Logan's are almost too warm!! I have them ONLY slightly toed in.I use Meridian components which by nature error to the warm side. My SL3's sound great. They could be alittle brighter though.. Did I say that? Good luck, Steve
Steve you mention changing speaker cables & interconnects but no mention of trying different upgrade AC cords, which is definitely a valid approach to your situation. You need to try some upgrade AC cords & also look into AC line conditioning. I had brightness problems too & it didn't seem to matter what equipment was installed I just couldn't get it to sound smooth until I checked into AC cords & line conditioning. Or you can get some AC cords with filtering built in (talk to David Blair at Custom Power Cord Company, Skokie, IL - refer to the Audiogon manufacturers index). If using filtered cords then additional line conditioning is not recommended from my experience. With most other AC cords you'll need some upline filtering. Also try a installing a dedicated AC line (temporary across the floor at first if you're skeptical) but you'll soon find yourself installing it premanently.
I'd sell the Martin Logans and buy a pair of Apogees. You can get a pair of used Stages from $750-$1200. The Stages don't have that "make your ears bleed" high end, and IMHO, are a far superior speaker. Check out the website below for other comments, particularly the topic titled "Martin Logan Sequel or Sequel IIs?".

First of all, make sure you've got enough (5+ feet) space behind the speakers, then experiment with toe-in. The curved panel rewards extensive experimentation with positioning. Also, damp your room properly and manage first reflections.
As above, Parasound do not make the best electronics for ML's. I have a pair of Sequel 2's and have done very well with a Sumo Nine +, NEW A20.1's (vertically biamped, but still underpowered for HT, fine for stereo) and now Atma-sphere M60 Mk2's. My Bryston 3B was OK, but probably not optimal. Fortunately, I had a big room at the time.
Changing power cords (or even better, using power conditioning) can also help. Changing preamps may be necessary, too, but try these other things first. Don't give up!