Why do only US makers focus on time coherency?

Just curious...it seems that the handful of truly time and phasecorrect speaker makers...Vandersteen,Thiel,Meadowlark,Green Mtn,Thiel,etc,,,are all US based companies...why is this? Are there any Euro/Brit speakers that come to mind? (Besides Quad stats?)
* JM Lab is time coherent but not phase coherent.
* German make "Manger" is a single driver speaker & by its very nature is time & phase coherent.
* Taiwanese make "Usher" appears to be time-coherent esp. from the looks of their floor standing speakers' sloped baffle. Looks could be deceiving tho' - I have never heard this brand.
It's because the Brits are on Greenich mean time, and we're not.
From B&W's website: Tweeter on top reduces time smearing by allowing driver time alignment and reducing diffraction at the cabinet edges.
That's a very good question. The british speakers seem to be more interested in smooth frequency response, than time and phase. To date I haven't heard a british speaker that images particularly well (and don't say ls3/5 because they don't image at all !)

As a brit myself I find my compatriots' fascination with this thing called PRAT to be a bit odd. Why are we so quick to throw out spatial information to try to make the music bouncy ? Perhaps because fewer brits have the space in their houses to allow for speaker positioning that would allow imaging ?