Cured of upgraditis?

For most of my audio life I have suffered from the affliction of updraditis. I'm sure you know of what I speak. However, after my most recent round of upgrades, and with lighter wallet, I am at a point where, with the system below, I don't feel the need to change a thing. Of course, the system is not perfect. I have a noisy tube in the preamp and a lip-sync issue with the disc player, but I just want those problems to be solved - I don't actually want to change any of the equipment. Music and movies have never sounded better. It's a curious feeling, like audio nirvana, a sort of zen-like quality. What I'm wondering now is if this condition is temporary and brief or, as I hope, will last a long time, possibly forever. Does anyone have any similar experiences to share?

Oppo BDP-105 universal player
conrad-johnson MET1 6-channel tube preamp
Sunfire Cinema Grand 5-channel power amp
Von Schweikert speakers: VR-33 mains, Unifield 1 center, TS-150 surrounds
REL T1 subwoofer
Cabling: Cardas, a mixture of quadlink and cross
A couple of beers
A good time
I like my VR-33s very much. They took an awfully long time to break in, until which time they sounded a bit thin and hard. In fact the whole system had a hardness to it until I upgraded the source components and preamp, so the speakers were revealing deficiencies in the other components. I like the way they can be placed almost up against a wall, though one of mine is away from the wall as the shape of the room is irregular, and I feel I'm not getting the bass reinforcement that I should. I listen to a lot of rock music. Someone else said they sound a bit too polite, but they sure can play loud. For rock you probably don't need a speaker this refined, just one with good dynamics and low end. It can be difficult to find a pair to audition but if you are in the San Francisco area you are welcome to listen to mine.
There ain't no cure. Get a sponser. Seriously...I may be getting to that place myself. The only problem with making that declaration, is that I've made it so many times in the past. May your satisfaction be long lived.