What would you do??

I currently own a set of ProAc Super Towers that are about twelve years old. They sounded terrific when I purchased them but the sound has really degraded with the subsequent destruction of the speaker surrounds by my cats. I have already replaced two of the four drivers and three are currently in sad shape right now. The cabinets are not too bad but they are not perfect. My question is would you go to the expense of replacing all the drivers or just go buy set of new speakers. The drivers are about $200 Can. a peice.It has been a few years since they have sounded really nice but I know that my wife would never let me spend the kind of dollars that those size ProAc's would fetch today so its either cheap replacement speakers or refurbish what I got. What would you do?
Since you can't replace them with anything near the same price, i would opt for replacing the drivers one more time. At this point in time, i would also take whatever steps necessary to protect your investment. If this means putting up removable barriers when not in use, so be it. If need be, you can decorate the barriers, etc....

While i know that pets become a part of the family, even human children get reprimanded / have restrictions placed upon them when they are "bad". Just like children, pets will continue to "act up" / "get away with what they can" until the law is laid down before them. Sean
fix the speakers and get rid of cats. what do you mean your wife wont let you. show her you wear the pants. i take that back just buy grand utopias .
SO what it all boils down to is: keep the speakers, replace the drivers. With good units' soldering and screwing onto the cabinet, checking out the c/over maybe... the speakers will start singing again!

MUCH cheaper than Grande Utopia! "Cheaper replacement speakers" are hardly cheap nowadays, either (Avanti's, Eidolons, Piega's... +7-10k) -- nor are these protected from pets!

After all, you are (were) happy with the sound of these speakers so, keep them.
After fixing your speakers you might consider scenting the area around your speakers with some sort of citrus scent(cats detest citrus--ever let a cat smell an orange?). Pet stores sell this type of thing in a spray bottle that you might want to spray around the drivers--I doubt it will hurt the drivers(definately not worse than the cats) and once the cats get the idea they won't go near your speakers anymore. And don't forget the good, old-fasioned spraying cats with the waterbottle when you catch them in the act. Best of luck.
