Which small but great monitors?

I want to upgrade my small HT system in my bedroom, where I currently have Boston Acoustics VRM 60's and VRM-C for front and center speakers. The size of these speakers is right, smallish but not micro-monitors, but the sound for music or FM is not up to my standards (I use Proac Response 1SC's and Genesis 500's in other systems). I am considering upgrading to Coincident Triumphs, Spendor 3/1's, Soliloquy 5.0's, or ?? The size of the speakers I've listed is perfect for the Sound Anchor stands I already have (8" x 11" minimum footprint, height not crucial). And the price of these is around the $1000 mark for a pair. I know I love the Spendor sound because years ago I had BC-3's. I've never heard a small Spendor, though. I've heard great things about Coincident and think the cabinet work is beautiful. Has anybody heard any of these options against one another, or solo? Any recommendations focusing on audio performance rather than TV sound are welcome and will help me figure out where to go. I can listen to the Soliloquies and the Spendors at one dealer's, but can't find Coincidents around here (Wash. DC). Also--any other recommendations in this size and price range (around $1000-1200 for a pair)?
The obvious choice is the DYNAUDIO CONTOUR 1.3 MK-II. It's dimensions are perfect for your stands, 8" WIDE, 11" DEEP. It is also the best sounding and most neutral of all the other speakers aforementioned. If you have deep pockets, go for the Special Edition (SE) version.

I like the Soliloquy 5.0's in that price range, but they do need to be placed out in the room. They mate well with push-pull tube amps. Someone's selling the Taylo mini monitors here on 'gon. Nice drivers. The Taylo reference monitors will run you a little more but are also nice for the $$--I have them. Look at www.tayloraudio.com. The ACI Sapphire III LE's may also fit the bill--use a scanspeak tweeter, image well and throw a nice soundstage. www.audioc.com.
Wow, great suggestions, and pretty much all in the 8 x 11 footprint that I require so I don't have to buy new stands! I will take some time finding the right monitors, but with so many possibilities, I feel I can't go wrong. I don't know why I just can't compromise w/sound. The Boston Acoustics were never supposed to be high end audio speakers, they were just for the TV for heaven's sake. They are my third set of speakers in a 3-story townhouse! Why can't I just accept them and not insist, always, on better? I am so spoiled. Again, thanks all.
I'm using the Coincident Triumph Signature UHS powered by a Blue Circle amp. It's a great combination. The UHS version is a more refined speaker than the regular sig. The highs have more sparkle and less splash to it. The mid range is incredible. Vocals are rendered life like without sounding congested. Overall, the UHS version has more life and energy to it. I'm more than satisfied with the performance of the Triumph Sig UHS. Here's another point to consider. Customer service at Coincident is world class. Israel Blume has been great to deal with.
i would add to this list the linn tukans - excellent - and meant to be placed against the back wall which makes it decor friendly. many naim enthusiast put this on the end of over 15K in gear (and you can upgrade to active with these things) - i have a pair of these as well as audiophysic tempos and i can't say that these aren't more fun that the expensive tempos. cheers. o, and sarah - i am a taurus (just kidding, but so rare to see a woman on this thing)