Need help choosing new speakers

I�ve been wanting to try some different speakers and would like some advice. My current system is:

Levinson 383
Cary 303/200
B&W 805
REL Strata III

My room is 19�X13� and I listen from 8� to 10� from speakers which are about 5� out from the short wall. I listen to rock and blues mostly.

I enjoy the sound that I�m getting but I�m not being draw into the music. Would like more feeling and emotion a more involving sound for no more than $2000 or $3000 used. Thanks in advance.
Tubes would be a great addition to your system if you'd rather play with it that listen to it! The equipment you have is fine! I've had tubes and I can't imagine what it would take to go back?!?
Now about speakers (that was what your thread was about wasn't it?) Revel makes several fine models. I listened to some of their Studio's last weekend and they sounded great, but for $12,000 they better. Fortunately the technology trickles down. Check out the 20's. The Silverline Sonata's also come around from time to time, used in the range you're looking. If you want to do something completely different try a pair of Mangepan 1.6's. They are a great, inexpensive planer speaker.
My two cents, good luck!
Assume you want a more romantic, less analytic sound. A couple of thoughts:
1. You may want to try a simple tweak. I have cheaper B&W's and thought they can be too forward at times. One thing I have done is to add an AH! LS Noise Killer filter to my system. THis is a $50 filter you connect to the tweeter terminals. It slightly rolls the highs and warms up the sound. Did not diminish the resolution of the speaker in my case and made a nice improvement for me. Only negative is that I do not think they are returnable if they don't work.
2. If you want a different sound, try auditioning Spendors. Since you have a subwoofer, the S3/5 might even work in your room.
3. You may also want to consider Proac speakers. Not as warm as the Spendors, but nice speakers with the right gear.
4. Make sure your cables are good matches for your system and are not adding any brightness. If you're using any silver or even Kimber cables, you may want to try something warmer like MIT or Harmonic Tech.
5. Tubes may also work. I use tubes with my B&W's and solid state with my Spendor S3/5's.
Nice system. Have you thought about adding a second subwoofer? I have a pair of B&W CDM 1NT's I run with two Snell subwoofers. I mainly listen to rock music and I think the setup sounds great. You might want to play with the crossover setting and output level with your current sub to give yourself a little more impact in the bass. I never really enjoyed my setup with rock music until I had the whole bass thing under control.