Rap music on high-end speakers


I have audiophile taste in gear, but not in music. I listen to rap music, and occansionaly R&B. Is there anyone out there like me? What do you listen for when buying gear? I was wondering what are the benefits in getting better gear? I want to upgrade the speakers to either proac response 3.8 or wilson cubs. Here is my system:

Levinson No.23
aranov ls-9000
Platinum audio reference 2
Paradigm servo 15
kimber speaker wire
esoteric component wires
amc cdm7
Do you actually sit there and critically listen to rap music, for its "sonic charachter" or "musical content" if that is the case you should get your head examined, sure listen to what ever you want(I have a few Rap CD's). But listen to that stuff cranked with some friends over, don't sit in the dark, drinking some "henney" and critically listen to the latest Lil' Wayne, it just is not intendid for that type of accurate reproduction.
Natalie, thank you for saying it like it is about rap music; there is nothing elitist about saying rap has about as musicality as bose equipment has audiophile-like quality; come on people, didn't the recent events of this year wake up those who had problems expressing an opinion, even if that opinion means putting down something or someone
Hey everyone,

thanks for all of the responses. Danvect, whats so funny? I am serious here. Natalie, I think you own a Bose system. Also think about this. Why would recording artists use expensive gear to record and playback their music. Even if its rap, they need good equipment to hear what they recorded. Albertporter, you have no clue what you are talking about. I hope you are joking. Tireguy, same goes to you about the expensive gear that they use to record their music. No I dont sit there and listen to the sonic character. But I do listen to how good it sounds on my system. Any music sounds better on a good system no matter what. Even if I wanted to sit in the dark and critically listen to Lil'Wayne. Why was it not intended for this? Come on smartie. It is music isnt it? Bryans, I know what you mean. I have had this done to me many times. It is kind of funny. To the rest of you guys, thanks again for the comments. I want to hear more comments.
I was wondering if anyone out there could recommend a good model Wolf Stove, I will be using it mainly to reheat condensed Campbell Soups and an occasional pack of Top Ramen.
Tru, How are you doing? I have done business with Tru and he came over and bought some gear from me. I was surprised to see another person with this kind of taste in gear listen to rap. I listen to some rap, and I have very nice, expensive gear. You stuck up audiophiles need to know that music is music no matter what kind it is. Just because it isnt the same music that you listen to doesnt mean that it is wrong. Hey Albert are you making fun of TRU's audiogon name. TRU happens to be a group from the multi platinum selling company no limit records. I read your bio and I thought you had more class. I guess not. I am just glad that their is still some audiophiles that like to share positive comments with each other, no matter what their taste in music or gear is.