Power amp recommendation for Vienna Mahler

I have ordered a pair of Vienna Mahler speakers and must decide on the power amp. I am using ARC small D-70 (70W)tube amp with LS2-B pre-amp. I want to seek suggestions if you have listened to the mahler's in your own system or show room. I have been very impressed with the Rowland Concentra II integrated. What are your thoughts on other components.
monoblocked amps from "aria"
mike elliott is an excellent designer, I own one of his previous amps, and this one (a design he's been refining for years) promises to be a great amp.
about $7000/pair for 350 watts of hybrid power.
good luck
(got no experience with the speakers)
Congratulations on your purchase of the Mahler's. They are magnificant. I own a pair of Beethovens from Vienna Accoustics and am thrilled with the entire line. To get the best performance out of the Mahler's I recommend going with a seperate pre-amp & seperate amplifier. The Mahler's are power hungry due to their complex crossover. Mark Levinson, Krell, and Audio Research have the reserves needed to really make these speakers perform. I strongly suggest that you consider their respective lines. Enjoy!
I have the Mahlers and am using Bryston 7B ST monoblocks. They sound very good and provide deep controlled bass. I do have a larger listening room and the results could be different in a smaller room. These amps seem to be a good value and can be picked up on audiogon for around $3M. If I was going to move up from those I would consider SS amps from Krell or M Levinson, or possibly high powered tube amps from AR or VTL.
Hi Jpayne,
I use my vienna mahler with convergent and Jadis Ja 80 monoblocks.
The sound is fantastic!!!!!
Congrats on your purchase of the Mahler's. I own a pair of Beethoven, and have just added a Threshold T400 amp. WOW! 150 watts of pure class A power per channel is awesome on these speakers. The Vienna line tends to sound a little soft and warm. I think they work best with a 'warm' solid state amp. Tubes can sound a little too soft with these speakers, IMHO. I like the Threshold, but maybe a Classe or Rowland would work well too. I owned a Classe CA-200 and it was very nice, but the Threshold is in another league.