Sistrum Platforms

Has any one tried these in thier system and how is the rack at reducing vibrations? Thanks.
Hi, I have a 5-shelf Sistrum rack, and the smaller platform stands under each of my Genesis 500 speakers. I noticed an improvement in clarity and detail in my system immediately, plus in my opinion the rack is absolutely beautiful, very minimalist with just the components sitting on the brass Audiopoints and the whole thing spiked onto your floor w/Audiopoints too. I thought the effect was so amazing that I bought several sets of Audiopoints in various sizes to use under components on another non-Sistrum rack. I highly recommend Sistrum and Audiopoints. YOu can occasionally find a rack used/demo on this site, though the list price is not exorbitant. I have never seen the speaker platform stands listed here, you may have to order them from Starsound, but they are well worth it if you have floorstanders.
Agreed with above- Sistrum is excellent product, plus Robert at Starsound is extremely helpful and knowledgeable on the resonance-draining technology employed.

I use a pair of SP-1 amp stands under some large tube monoblocks, and noticed the same benefits as the user above...
Yes, I have the SP-6 Model Sistrium Rack and is very pleased with the performance of the the stand and its' effect on my system's overall sonic presentation. Excellent at reducing vibrational noise, presents a balanced focused image, that is locked in. However, the rack does not confine your components, but enables them to perform with a black background with micro and macro details heard. I would also recommend the Micro-Bearings as a filler for the three rods.

I found that using the Sistrum platforms and cones under my Levinson #380s and #39 did sound more detailed, and I liked it at first. However, after listening awhile and switching back to no cones or platforms, I found the sound to be fuller and less bright. I've since found that also to be true of BDR cones with Levinson gear. I'm talked with others and it seems that brass cones sound better with tube gear not solid state. I'm sure this is system dependent, and the Sistrum products are very high quality. Robert is a great guy to talk with. I've found that with Levinson gear, 2 inch maple blocks and Vibrapods work the best. I also tried the Sistrum products under my Revel Salons, and noticed a similar effect.
Based on my expirience, the Systrum platfrom did nothing but scratch the bottom of my equipment. Now the good part, should you ever need to call Star Sound, good luck. They hardly ever pick up the phone and when you finally reach someone, they are rude. Last but not least, I had heard that the company was having some serious financial issues. Be careful about investing in a company that may not be around much longer