Sistrum Platforms

Has any one tried these in thier system and how is the rack at reducing vibrations? Thanks.
redkiwi is quite correct about the shameless self-dealing done in the past by sistrum on these forums. they've used a number of shills/sockpuppets to puff their gear and then deny it. i find it fascinating, indeed, that sistrum's latest supposed "spokesperson," lonelynote, has posted on but ONE thread: this one. just remember that a lifetime guaranty is based, not on your lifetime, but on his who offers it. i, too, have heard the rumors of sistrum's imminent demise. not hard to believe. lonelynote, BTW, skirts this issue neatly but seemingly disingenuously. caveat emptor. -cfb
Good-day to redkiwi and cornfedboy,

I urge you to pick up the telephone and call me (toll free at 1-877-668-4332). A person to person discussion could change your tune about our company, especially since I will have no knowledge as to who you are. Judge us based on the merits of your direct contact with our company or your personal experience with our designs.

Truthfully, anyone can attempt to damage the reputation and function of any product. We are never upset with any opinions concerning our products from people who have actually listened to and own the product.

The buying public is intelligent enough to analyze and critique the published reviews from Industry’s Senior Editors and form their own opinions with regard to the science and function of our products.

I truly find the attacks on our finance somewhat amusing though. More or less a cheap shot that bears no merit of truth whatsoever.

Audio Points™ and Sonoran A/V Wire Designs have been a part of our company for the past dozen years or so. Sistrum Platforms are the most recent project released into our product line up. Many more designs, including Harmonic Precision electronics and loudspeaker systems, are scheduled to follow.

We welcome the opportunity to speak with you and as always – Good Listening.

My name is Robert.
I guess I must have missed the shamless self-dealing in the past by StarSound (Sistrum)on these forums. I talked to Robert yesterday about some stands for my speakers. I found him to be one of the most knowlegable, friendly, helpful, man I have dealt with as far as a company goes. I must have talked with him for over an hour. Shamless, deceitful, self promotion, are hardly the words I would use to describe this very helpful man. When I mentioned Ken of Neuance, He had very high praise of ken and his product. Redkiwi and Cornfedboy are among my favorite posters on Audiogon. Please tell me what I obviously missed. I would encourage both Redkiwi and CFB to take Robert up on his offer. Give the man a call and see if there was a misundestanding. Remember, there is always two sides to every story. He has offered, why hesitate to accept? I know for some, it is easier to beat up on someone than finding truth. CFB and Redkiwi do not fit this description.
Thank you Robert for all you help. I have nothing but the highest regards for you. And no, I have nothing to do with any audio manufactuer. I am an audiophile with an open mind, or at least I like to think of myself that way.
Brulee, your comments have been echoed by several others and so I do not have any reason to doubt them. I would expect talking to Robert would only confirm your experience.

What we saw last year was a series of posts on Audiogon in praise of Sistrum, supposedly from private individuals, that became increasingly obviously unpaid advertisements. When the posters were challenged on this point any doubt was removed by their evasive response.

I hasten to add that this does not prove that the posts under this thread are not honest. But the fact that suspicion is raised by a thread like this one, is not the fault of Kelly or myself. At the least, I felt it necessary to sound a note of caution about posters raving about Sistrum products. I have made no assertions about finaces, because I have no information.

I hasten to add that this does not mean that the Sistrum products are no good. As stated in a previous post - I have indeed auditioned Sistrum frames and report my findings as honestly as I am able.

If you say, Brulee my friend, that Robert is a great guy and very helpful, I have every reason to accept it - and nor have I said anything to the contrary. But I stand by my comments that someone directly associated with Sistrum was caught here attempting to promote their product under the guise of private posters, and this has to therefore raise suspicion about Sistrum raves on this site by "unknown" posters, until Robert or someone else provides a decent reason why we should think otherwise. If Robert wishes to explain why we have mis-read what happened, then he should do so publicly on this site.

Since your credibility, Brulee, is not doubted - perhaps you could save Robert from, either himself or his associates, by giving us your views of Robert's products. I think you are right to look at Sistrum frames for speaker stands - where they are very effective.
lonelynote: thank you for your invitation. i DO hope it was not you who encouraged what redkiwi describes quite well just above. the "testimonials" about the sistrum racks were so obviously "planted" that they brought opprobrium on the whole of starsound from a much wider audience than redkiwi and me. you must surely have been made aware of this. i don't see more sockpuppets following on this thread, which i credit to either the audiogon monitors or your good sense. i sincerely hope it is the latter. -cfb