Why is the turnover on maggies 1.6QR so much?

It seems like every time I check on the planar adds that are at least a dozen 1.6's being sold and bought. I have never heard the 1.6's but they are no.1 on my wish list.
Size, probably is the big reason,no pun intended, you see and hear it all the time. A lot of times you just don't realize how big they are until your significant other(and I am being PC by not saying women) has seen them in the living room. Even though they look much better than they did, say 20 years ago, they are still large. Another thing,and I kinda hate writing this, there is the "gee whiz" factor, and I mean by that is a lot of people don't like tha idea that anyone can pretty easily own a pair of these. Magnepan took the exoticness out of owning a great pair of speakers. They cause few problems, and some people like problems. Then you have the issue that they don't really sound like conventional dynamic driver speakers, as good as they are they are still few people's choice for rock n roll or metal music. They are not a speaker that reproduces a large venues experience well, but a more intimate night club/small venue type of experience. I love that sound and experience, and I think very few speakers will give you that intimate an experience at any price. A lot of people do not like the bass, and it is a hard speaker(IMHO)to mate a subwoofer to. Also, even though I think it is inexpensive, the quality of the gear that it needs to provide its best performance is rather expensive. I think they love power and need it. I love them , I think the world of them and the company, and I currently do not own a pair. But I will own a pair again soon, just as soon as I find the right deal.
Jvia has it pretty cold. 1.6QRs were on on short list but suffered the same fate as the Martin Logans when my wife was brought in to veto anything that was too big or ugly for the room. I also suspect that to get the most from the speaker will require placement that even if the looks pass WAF, the location will not ...

In the end I got Hales Rev 3s. They do alot of the same things that the planars do, but without the bass, size and placement limitations.
I agree with the above post that size is a big factor in deciding to keep the Maggies. Even though they are barely two inches thick they "look" big and need a big room and careful placement to sound their best- at least 20'x30'.

Also, Magnepan has retooled their factory to produce a lot more 1.6qrs to meet the demand; there are probably more pairs of 1.6qrs out there than most other "high end" speakers. (I had to wait 6 months before I got my pair.) Some buy without hearing them because they've read the reviews only to find out later that they really need a big room and some serious high quality power (expensive) to sound really good. They do lack some of the impact and clean/focused sonic edges of high quality cone speakers.

However, if everything is set up right and with the right amplification, the Maggies will reproduce a stunning sense of real prescence of musicians in a real space. This is no small accomplishment. They are also quite forgiving of poor recordings. And at its retail price I can think on nothing that even comes remotely close to delivering this level of performance.

Unfortunately, because I am moving to a smaller place I am in the process of selling my pair of Maggies. Otherwise, I would certainly keep them.