600 used speakers?

I know that this isn't going to be hi-fi, but hopefully, I can buy some nice sounding speakers in that price range.

My system so far: Adcom GFA 555 amp, PS Audio 4.6 Pre-Amp, Harmon Kardon CDR-2.

The room is approximately 14' X 20' w/ 8' ceilings, a large oriental rug, a couch and a bay window . It's the living room of a brownstone that I'm renovating & there's not too much extra space in the room, so I like the idea of something tall & slender (looks count). The speakers will be on the 14' wall facing the bay window.

I listen to alot of CDR's: including, but not limited to Bonnie Raitt, Aretha Franklin, Patti Smith, Led Zepplin, Clapton, Grateful Dead and so on.

Eventually, I'm going to invest in good inter-connects, speaker wire, a power source and a decent turntable....but for now I need speaker.

You might get lucky and find a used pair of NHT 2.5i's, I've seen them used for 700 or so. They're very slender, and fairly tall.
They will also play pretty deep (more so than most low-mid price subs), a must for Zeppelin! They sound great with rock music in gerneral, I have a pair in the bedroom.
Not the best for hard rock, but for the more acoustic and vocal side (Bonnie Raitt, some Dead & Clapton, etc.) you'd be hard pressed to go wrong with Vandersteen 2ci or ce, of which you should find plenty here and on ebay at your price point. They will always sound good as/if you upgrade to better electronics. They are tall and reasonably slender (about 48" x 16"). They go reasonably low and would mate fine with a Vandy sub if you wanted more extension.
There is never a need to appologize to anyone for the equipment that you have or what you like. The bottom line is that you are the one listening and enjoying your system, so make yourself happy. If this gear does the trick for you, so be it.

Having said that, i would make ONE suggestion. Try playing with the active / passive switch on your preamp when you have it all set up. While the passive mode will always produce a LOT less volume, it should typically sound smoother with a lot less grain and glare. Very suitable for mellower music or vocal work. Going to active for hard rock can add more drive with a lot more "bite" for electric guitar.

As to suitable speakers, you might want to look for some Polk's. These are respectable speakers that would be quite suitable for your needs. They will typically play reasonably loud, have decent bottom end, not make your ears bleed with hard / splashy treble, achieve reasonable levels of detail, imaging, soundstage, etc... if properly positioned. There are several "tower" designs for sale here on Audiogon, so you can do a search and see what comes up.

The Vandy's that Swampwalker mentioned are also nice speakers. As he mentioned, they are not really made for "jammin" at roof raising levels, but will work quite well below that point. Sean
Second the Vandersteen suggestion. Some of the other speakers mentioned above are very revealing, and might sound a bit bright on your system. The V's have a warmer tonal balance that would work well with your system. Best of luck and happy new year!
dont be dismissive about your set up. ive had a 4.6 for years and it is a solid performer. proac tablettes would be my suggestion. when you get some more dough add a sub upgrade your front end and you will be listening happily for years.
