600 used speakers?

I know that this isn't going to be hi-fi, but hopefully, I can buy some nice sounding speakers in that price range.

My system so far: Adcom GFA 555 amp, PS Audio 4.6 Pre-Amp, Harmon Kardon CDR-2.

The room is approximately 14' X 20' w/ 8' ceilings, a large oriental rug, a couch and a bay window . It's the living room of a brownstone that I'm renovating & there's not too much extra space in the room, so I like the idea of something tall & slender (looks count). The speakers will be on the 14' wall facing the bay window.

I listen to alot of CDR's: including, but not limited to Bonnie Raitt, Aretha Franklin, Patti Smith, Led Zepplin, Clapton, Grateful Dead and so on.

Eventually, I'm going to invest in good inter-connects, speaker wire, a power source and a decent turntable....but for now I need speaker.

Second the Vandersteen suggestion. Some of the other speakers mentioned above are very revealing, and might sound a bit bright on your system. The V's have a warmer tonal balance that would work well with your system. Best of luck and happy new year!
dont be dismissive about your set up. ive had a 4.6 for years and it is a solid performer. proac tablettes would be my suggestion. when you get some more dough add a sub upgrade your front end and you will be listening happily for years.

At the risk of being redundant, I am also going to suggest a used pair of Vandersteen 2Ce's. I'll crawl out on a limb here and say that for around $750, I don't think you can do better than a pair of used Vandy 2Ce's, particularly given your apparent listening tastes. The Vandy 2Ce is an excellent, full-range speaker that does a fine job of reproducing virtually all kinds of music. (As an further comment, I think you would be best served buying the 2Ce model, rather than the older 2Ci. The 2Ce had some improvements over the 2Ci, and the small additional price you will pay is well worth it.) At some later time, you can also send the 2Ce's to the Vandersteen factory and have them upgraded to the "Signature" version, thereby improving their performance for a small additional cost. If you are not familiar with Vandersteen speakers, I suggest that you go the Vandy web site and read about their design and why they represent such high value. One of Richard Vandersteen's primary objectives has always been to offer high performance for the price. For more details, go to the web site at: www.vandersteen.com

Best regards, and good listening during 2002!
HAPPY NEW YEAR!! I would look for a clean pair of dahlquist dq20 speakers.these are outstanding speakers.I still own a mint pair which are not for sale.I have also lived with vandersteen 3a sig. and alons.I am currently using von schweikert vr6'but still will not part with my DQ20'S. They can be found for your price and well worth the wait. regards,RICH
I upgraded from a pair of Vandersteen 1B's (left them with my roommate in Seattle when I moved) to B&W CDM1nt's...With the CDM's you are going to need a sub (more$)...so yet again, Even as a proud B&W owner, I am going to have to cast yet another vote for the 2Ce's.