Looking for comments on Piega P2, P2 limited, P5

I am looking to upgrade my NHTs in a few month as I will be moving to an apartment w/ a dedicated sound room, and a friend has recommended the Piegas. Anyone had the opportunity to compare the Piega P2, P2 limited, and P5? More specifically, how does the regular P2 stack up against the Limited version? Also, given that the P2 limited and P5 are about the same price, any thoughts on how those two compare? What other speakers would you recommend to audition?

The new room will be 10'8"x15'x10'; I will be driving the speakers with an Adcom CD player and Accuphase integrated amp. My budget is sub-6K, preferably lower if possible. I listen to 60% jazz, 30% pop/rock, and 10% classical.

Thanks in advance for your help!
mgs- i'd try a pair of avalon symbols (msrp $3k) or used avalon arcus' or eclipse classics (both should be available for under $5k). -cfb
I'm sorry I can't help you with comparisons between the P2ltds and the P2 and P5. I do have experience with the P2ltds, and can tell you that it is an excellent monitor speaker....one of the best I have had the benefit of owning.
I would encourage you to seek an audition. Please feel free to contact me if you want anymore info.
you might want to consider the jm lab mini or micro utopias.i have never heard piegas but i am sure i will get the chance.
I hope you get a chance to listen to the Piega's. The Piega 10's are the most musically satisfying speakers I've had in my system. With their ribbon technology I doubt if you will find a better high end. The bass was also deeper and tighter than the Dunlavy V's.