Anyone Switch from Electrostatic/Planar to Dynamic

I was wondering if anyone has switched from Electrostatic/Planar speakers to traditional dynamic speakers and if so, from what to what and why? Thanx!
In the old days I had Maggies and also Acoustat 3's ( modded with better caps etc) changed over to Hales Sig 2's and have never looked back. When it comes to dynamics, stat's and planars just lag IMHO. Once you hear a great dynamic speaker, the limitations of stat's and planars are very obvious.
Well, the only speakers which have tempted me so far, were the A-Capella horns, discussed elsewhere here on this site.
Daveyf, you are ( almost ) right, with the planars and stats being limited in dynamics. To overcome this, you need either the big Sound Labs or use more than just one speaker per side, which poses other problems, which can however be solved by careful placement.
Detlof, have you tried putting multiple sets of stats in parallel(or would you put them in series??). Don't you decrease the impedence by a factor of 2, which would
make some stats virtually impossble to drive. But could you
imagine a set of four SL Ultimate One stats!!!
I used to own a pair of Magnepan MGIIIa's for many years, spent an enormous amount of energy tweaking them, and constantly traded up to more powerful amplifiers trying to make them really sing.

When I sold my Maggies I moved on to Avalons, which I kept for all of six months (way overrated for the price). Then I bought Proacs, which rocked but were missing something...then I purchased Legacy Whispers, which were really close to the Magnepans midrange with much better dynamics, but now I am listening exclusively to a pair of AV Reality One monitors.

Owning Magnepans taught me allot regarding great midrange and it's seductiveness from a planer speaker. Although the Magnepans always lacked sheer dynamics, and gut wrenching bass, I sure did miss them until I discovered the AV Reality monitors.
Went from Apogee Centaur Majors to Merlin TSM then back to Apogee Now i have both apogee and merlin......