Anyone Switch from Electrostatic/Planar to Dynamic

I was wondering if anyone has switched from Electrostatic/Planar speakers to traditional dynamic speakers and if so, from what to what and why? Thanx!
I want to change back after today! Give me Maggies! I tried to get a simple question answered by calling the Vandersteen factory. Don't try this at home. Man what an unpleasant experience that was! Buy form people who will treat you with respect. The folks at Magnepan were always helpful and polite, more than I can say for "Dick"!
For 11 years I used Acoustat Spectra 33 electrostatic speakers with a Kinergetics BSC SW200 Subwoofer system. The main reason I changed to BOX speakers was and continues to be Dynamics! The sub’s covered the bottom end fine but there was just something missing in the middle. Also, the restrictive sweet spot started to leave a dent in the couch. I now have Thiel 6’s, which do not have the pinpoint soundstage the 33's but in all other areas they surpass the them. I still have the stats and use them when I miss “The Wall of Sound” but within a week or so I am drawn back to the Thiels.
Shubertmaniac, very simply by twiddling the various volume controls on the different preamps. Serves also very nicely to tune your system according to the software which you are playing. Sort of like a parametric equaliser, but without its drawbacks. It only takes a second or two to dial in a record. Every pair of stators has its own amplification chain. Regards,
Vegasears, thought I was the only one. Some think I'm nuts to be discontent, the midrange in the maggies isin some ways to-die-for but at the same time there is some sort of positive punchy prescence thats missing. As one reviewer wrote baout the FR Apogees (which I think is fairly aplicable to maggies and acoustat) the bass is almost incidental.
Detlof, thanks for sharing info on your system(s). By the
way,who is conducting the Zurich Symphony. Didn't Zinman
recently leave?(or is going to leave?) Talk to you soon!!!