Help Me select Mini

I am selling my Mini on ebay and will be replacing it with a new one. Which model should i go for and do i need to buy extra ram or anything. This is going to be used strictly for music.
Keep the 09 Mini. It will sound better than new Minis with USB converters and DACs. Just put a SSD in it from Other World Computing. Maybe replace the AC adapter with a Paul Hynes supply. Use the USB port next to the middle one.

Steve N.
Empirical Audio
Have a LPS from Chris Huff at BPT with music rails. No SS drive but a local guy can install one. What model/brand do I get. PM still one of the best?
This SSD:

I like the 120GB. You can install it yourself in 30 minutes.

I dont like the sound of PM myself, in fact most versions of Amarra dont ring my bells. I use a specific version of Amarra with great results. Good enough to get two best sound of shows at RMAF. The EQ function is indispensable.

Steve N.
Empirical Audio
Steve, is it your opinion that a 2009 mini is the way to go assuming a SSD and 8gb of ram even without Amarra but another software such as Pure Music or another? Thanks.
PGleekel - Late 2009 Mini is the way to go IME. Under $500 on ebay.

Steve N.
Empirical Audio