Want sub to use with Magnepan 2.7' Mesa Baron Amp?

I have Magnepan's 2.7's and Mesa Baron Amp, what sub should I use new and used? I do not want an exaggerated base. I want to expierence more of what base the Mesa delivers and fill in where the Magnepan's leave off.
Help please!
The vandersteen will work if the input impedence of the Mesa is 100k or lower. I have used these with stats and maggies and it is great, but the amp has to be able to use it.
To match up with planars you need a great sub. The Titan II LE is a great sub. Took me a year of auditioning and researching subs to decide on the LE. Man am I glad I did. The only sub I heard that I'd rather own is the Aerial, and it is about 4 times the price! If you want the opinions of others read the reviews in Positive Feedback, BFS, Soundstage etc or do searches at AA and AR. Great people to deal with too.
REL subwoofers are specifically designed to fill in the bottom below your main speakers, without using a cross-over that would change your main speakers. Easy to integrate. They connect to your amp along with your speakers, so they get the same signal.