my Talon Khorus sounds bad

my Talon Khorus sounds bad...
i've recently purchased a preowned talon khorus loudspeakers (about a year old) ,
at high listening level rock music sounds compressed,
distorted...not what u'd expect from a 14000 dollars
(retail) .
those speakers are hooked with a nordost blue haven wire
to a krell 300i integraged amp and a rega planet 2000 cd
thanks and regards
I beleive your problem lies with your lack of reserve power.

I have found out that my B&w n802s require a great deal of power to open up. It is entirely possible that your amp may be clipping.

I would take Talon's advice and first call them for guidance. You may have a undiagnosed problem with the speaker or it could be something as simple as room placement. I have had the Khoruses for over a year and if anything, they excel at being driven at high volumes. My system consists of an Essence Stereo Amp, Sony SCD1 SACD player, Tact RCS, and Stealth Speaker cables.

The folks at Talon are a pleasure to deal with and will back you up. My 3 year son stuck his fist into one of the Talon woofers, inverting it, and Mike, while on a visit to NY was kind enough to replace it at no charge, himself. You can't ask for better service than that. My experience has been good enough that I've just purchased the Khorus xs and am awaiting their delivery.

I purchased the Khoruses after owning Maggies (3.6) and Verity Parcifals, and after extensive listening to Revels (Salon and Studio), B&Ws (801), Dynaudios (3.3), Genesis (350se's), Audio Physic (whole line), Aerial (10T), Wilson Watt Puppies (5.1 and 6.0), Sonus Faber (Amatis), all excellent speakers. I highly recommend putting the time into making the Khorus' work for you, it will pay off.
Slaufer, this is off-topic, but I would love to hear a thumbnail comparison of all of those speakers you owned and evaluated. Strengths & weaknesses, that sort of thing. If you have the time.

My peregrine Xs go loud very easily. There soundstage is wide and uncompressed. I'm running mine with a 300 watt high current amp. The talons need a fair amount of current i have learnt to drive them properly. I suggest getting a pair of bel canto evo mono blocks for about 3k used. It may take some time to save up but in the end i think you will be a lot happier with your system. The Talons, however, are certainly not the weak links in your systems performance.