I called Richard Vandersteen

Yesterday I called Richard. I could tell he was very busy with phone calls coming in, I waited about a minute on hold. He answered the phone and answered all of my questions. At the end of the conversation about 2 minutes, I said wait Richard one more question, he said one second and put me on hold for about 30 seconds. Yesterday he was busy and abit quick with the questions, but thorough. (I don't blame him, its not a social call, it BUSINESS). I always call around 12-1:30pm eastern time. I called today and had more questions, I told him the same info from the day before(I have your older subs the 2w). Today he was extremely polite and quite fun to talk to. I then told him I was thinking of selling my 2w's (I have 2 of them) and replacing them with his new 2wq's. He said I would be wasting my money and the 2w are truely great subs. He told me to keep the ones I have. I have talked to Richard in the past about buying his subs(a year ago, twice I called) one time he was short and another time quite talkative. The reason I wrote this is I read a tread earlier and seen alot of negative reponses about him. Well I guess when your as busy as him, someday's are good and some are bad, remember we all have bad days. I wouldn't say he is a social butterfly by all means, but in my book he is a very honest business man. He could have easily talked me into two new 2wq's but he didn't. He said keep the ones you have and set them up properly, don't waste your money. So in short, I think the guy is great. I've been to enough dealers and had them try to talk me into new stuff I don't need. Things I already had, but just newwer versions, to get them another sale. So either Richard is very rich and doesn't want to sell more subs or just an honest guy who doesn't take advantage of people. Pete
Wow Maxgain, some real issues there. I too stopped righting here for awhile. But came back cause I enjoy the interaction of audiophiles like yourself. I don't hang out in airports, especially now that they aren't the safe place in the world. And I don't think Richards personnality is justifiable. But being a police officer as I am, you do incounter many personnalities and some just like Richard. By all means he could definely work on his social skills, but apparently he spends his extra time on his subs. Note I didn't say speakers cause I have listened to them and I'm not impressed with them(no offense, to each there own), but he does make fabulous subs. If he was rude to me on the phone I might let it go cause I don't know what kind of day he may have had, but if I met him in person and he was rude I'd probably tell him to go F#%* himself. I like to give people the benefit of the doubt and always attempt to be curteous even when they're rude. I don't consider myself a brown noser for buying his product, hell its a good product. Just cause the man is unsocial I can't deprive myself of something so good. Why call the receptionist for a doctor's question. Call the source and don't waste time. If you don't like the personality, did you like the answer? Quick story: When I was much younger I work in a very elite spa in Fl. where all the wealthy people vaka'd. Some I remember, one guy owned one of the largest steel companies in the U.S, another was a famous painter and one was the owner(female) of a style magazine and all of them I remember as being extremely rude, but I still buy products made of steel, enjoy art and my wife buy's a magazine here and there. So I guess my needs exceedes my interaction with these people. Note: Met Sugar Ray Leonard... nice guy.

One person said he has met him in person. Probably out of his element to. You're at work in your deepest thought, with the phone intruptions 200 times a day you try to readjust your mind just to answer questions and be somewhat social at a time that you haven't any time. You'd be a different person outside to.
More real and likeable maybe? Like, at a party. Or are you always a party person even at work? Pete
"I do think that most of the above posters missed the point entirely or else you are just huge suck ups & brown nosers!..."

Get a grip, Maxgain. I do hope that you are able to get the information that you need, but I do think your ascribing of dubious motives to and characterizations of other participants are not accurate or constructive.
I was suprised today to recieve a call from Mr. Vandersteen today in response to the letter I had written. Although he did still seem frustrated with me, I must say that it was a very nice gesture on his part to call me. I will Apologize to him here publicly for going off about this matter. I am going to forget about the X-over for a while and just go back listening to music.

the final chapter from "The Further Misadventures of Maxgain"
Max- takes a big man to go public with a turn-around. Sorry that you had trouble, but glad to hear that it has turned out OK.
Having read this and the related thread, it makes me wonder WHY so many people have to call?