How do i level speaker stands.

I have purchased a pair of monitor speakers; Reference 3A MM De CAPO. Haven't purchased stands let. When planing set up I found that the flooring is not level. Using a piece of weighted plywood (approximate foot print of speaker stands) and a bubble level, I will need to be able to raise or lower all four corners by as much as 1" (in reference to other speaker so both would be at the same height). Should i do this with just the stands or with a leveled platform that the stand will set on? It seems most of the spikes on stands don't have that much adjustment or if extented that far appear unstable.
Flooring is in an upper floor apartment. Its some kind of lightweight concrete poured over wood subfloor; 3/8" pad and carpet ontop?
Thanks for the info. My speakers base is 11" 13". Epos stand won't work.
I'll check on the target stands. But what are normal size spikes? The carpet and pad are not the problem is't the flooring underneath. I would have to have spikes with a minimum of 1" of adjustment. I looked at stands at 3 stores last nignt the best had about 1/2" of adjustment.
Otto, most speaker stands have female threads that accept the male spikes. Why not find some longer male bolts that will fit in the female threads of the stand, and then grind them down to the various heights you need to end up with level stands? Cheap and easy enough to do, Jeff
Hi Otto: I did not realize that the Target spikes were so long. They have a "usable" height of 1 3/8" and are 1 5/8" in length. These are older models which were special ordered by the previous owner for Proac's, so yes, double check the length. I would assume that just the top plates are custom, but better safe than sorry. They look to be the same thread as the bottom spikes on my Studio Tech equipment rack and the ST spikes are @ least 2" in length. Maybe go with the best stand if longer after market spikes are available for a reasonable price? As Jeff mentions they should not be difficult to make yourself. They could even be made with just a simple hand file if power tools are not available.