I need to be wowed

Next month I'll be starting my hunt for new speakers...new to me, at any rate.
And I will be obsessed...

What I've got:
Arcan Alpha 9
Plinius Integrated 2100i
Analysis plus 12's bi-wire
and shortly HT Pro MK2 IC's
and a *DOUZY* of a room:
Oh, that room.I think that's the key....I learned early on how much room interaction plays in sound.

I listen almost strictly to classical music....small ensemble/piano/violin/but yearn for large scale to sound
wonderful too. Also listen to acoustical classical/folk/female singers...

What I want:Tonal quality most important....I tend to like laid back/dark sound but needs to be involving and have intensity...
and oh, yes....they must come in black.
What I don't want: Bright tweeters!

Just for comparison I had wanted to hear some stats but have been told there was no way bipoles could work with
in my room....although someone suggested Innersound Isis ....and Gradient(out of my price range)..
I had also been intrigued for a while by Newforms but the fact that most who own them feel the need to do
mods bothers me....I want to own them....not build them...

Any suggestions will be much appreciated!

Strongly second the Vandersteen suggestion. Every characteristic you're looking for is is a noted strength of the Vandy line. Including the famous black sock.

Should really be at the very top of your list for auditioning.
Nice place! Cute cats. Sundae way cuter, even with eyes closed and fancy furs. And china cabinet, very cool. For fuller, classical music sound Dunlavys are perfect. In your price range, if you push a little you could get pre-owned IV's. They might be too big for your place and decor. I would go with II or III's . I have V and II's and the II performs very close to IV's except with much lower extension. II OR III will be perfect for that tall wall, being slim and tall. And the sound much fuller in all 4D. Yes it will give you the height perspective too. Although I do like Vany 2Ci suggestions (better value), but still not as good as Dunlavy where it counts-mid range.
Agreed, Vandersteens will work great for you. I've owned several pairs and am currently using 3A Signatures. Love Them in every way.
You have a big space to fill with sound, and listen from a good distance away. A BBC-type monitor may have the nominal tonal balance you are after, but is made to be listened to in more of a near-field situation, so it could sound boring in your room. I agree about the sound of the Vienna Acoustics line, but a model large enough for you would exceed the budget, and I've only ever seen them in the natural beech finish. I think the Vandersteen (model 3a) and B&W (model 802 matrix) recommendations are good bets (the B&W is better) if you can find a late edition at your price point. Other suggestions: PSB Stratus Gold i, NHT 3.3, Snell B, KEF 105, and maybe Mirage M-2 if the front wall proximity is no less than two feet (these bipolar speakers are shallow in depth). As a Thiel CS2 2 owner, I will also add that I do not consider these speakers bright unless one listens at too close a distance (the first order X-over's mandate at least 10 feet for proper integration, true for the Vandy's and Dunlavy's as well), and I think they have a more accurate timbral response than a lot of "dark" sounding alternatives, but need high-quality partnering equipment. To me, they are outstanding for acoustic music.
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