Best Kept Speaker Secret?

OK all you speaker experts out there here goes. There are always "sleepers" or "exceptions to every rule or cost" in high end audio equipment. In your opinion what is the best kept secret or exception to the cost for the very best speaker you can buy for $4000 or less (Used). Your feedback will be greatly appreciated toward building my short list. Thank you.
I'd invest what is left in a pair of Titan II LEs or there newly introduced sub. Wonderfully musical and dynamic!
Aerial 10T's without a doubt. I bought a used mint pair with the Santos Rosewood finish for about the price you are contemplating. Fit 'n finish are second to none. Wouldn't trade 'em for, well, most anything. You connect them to the right amp and you won't be lacking for anything. Slightly sweet sound with a powerful, taught bottom end down to about 23 Hz.

But they love as much power as you can throw at them. If your amp is less than 150 or 175 wpc into 8ohm and you have no intention of upgrading the amp, then you might want a more efficient speaker. The 10T's are rated at 86 db sensitivity at 4 ohm.

I have to agree with fizgig, the Silverline Sonata's are superb from top to bottom. All the speakers mentioned here are very good and I've heard most of them but the silverline just disappear and let you hear the music.
Do yourself a favor and look for a pair of Tyler Acoustic Linbrooks--4500 new. It was the best thing I ever did. My best friend has a pair of Martin-Logans and I left him crying and angry after hearing the Linbrooks for the first time. We went to an Avant Guarde Duo demonstration, that's a 12,000 dollar speaker roughly, and me and my buddy thought the Linbrooks were nearly 90% of the Duos. The Duos had more "air", more ability to separate instruments in the soundstage, and it had a touch more low-end. But both speakers were refined, highly detailed without edginess, and threw a wide soundstage. I bet you can find a pair here for something like 2000, check out their website.