Amused To Death and Avalon Opus

I have been using Roger Waters "Amused To Death" CD to place my Avalon Opus loudspeakers. During my audition of the Opus, track 1 of this CD was played. I was startled when I heard the "barking dog" sound like it was in the next room on my right. After the audition, I came home and played the same track on my previous loudspeakers. Same effect. The dog sounds as if it is in my neighbors house next door on my right.

With the Opus, the dog does NOT come from the right, but behind me. I have moved the speakers, and my ASC room treatments, around to get what I believe is the correct placement of the barking dog. I can get some of this effect, but not 100%.

Any ideas?

Rich Maurin
Have you been experimenting with speaker "toe-in"? I've found that sometimes just a slight tweak inward will snap things into focus. I also wouldn't be afraid of trying the speakers a bit closer to the walls, anything might help tune them in, so don't dismiss it 'till you've tried it. And lastly - throw away the formulas, set them up with your ears, and ENJOY!
Good Luck,
That is two different dogs. If I knew my dogs better, I would know the breeds! It's getting soooo good.
Amused to Death is an album that makes you wonder why there is so much fuss about multi channel music. As for the dog sound, I didn't get the barking dog behind me until I swapped the speaker polarity since my pre-amp is phase inverting. B.T.W., the recent live recording "In the Flesh", also in QSound, is very good as well. You can hear the 2001 Space Odyssey bit in the beginning of Perfect Sense, where HAL is talking to Dave, coming from just behind you.