Single Driver Speakers??? Lowther, Moth Audio??

Anybody owns single driver speakers? How do they sound compared to multi driver speakers? What's speacial about their sound? I need a very easy to drive speaker for my Antique Sound Labs 5 watts SET integrated amp and I'm thinking of using a pair of Triangle Titus which is 90db or any of those single driver speakers like Lowther or the new
Moth Audio Cicada but I never listen to any single driver speaker so I don't know how they sound. Pls. Advise. Thanks
the upper-end tannoys, including the churchill, use a "dual concentric" single driver. they really rock with great tube amps (e.g., airtight). if i were to install a second system, i'd buy these as my "base." -cfb
I have the Moth Cicadas and like them very much with tube electronics. I listen to acoustic music (classical) almost exclusively and the sound of a cello (my favorite) is spectacular. However, I use a sub to supply the bass that the Cicadas lack and use a digital eq to smooth the frequency response. Without these aids, I probably would not keep the Cicadas but go to a multidriver speaker.

Here is a "single driver" website that you might find interesting.

I have only listened to vintage Lowther's which were bright sounding and had some kind of a "reverb thing" going on with the midrange (noticable on vocals and piano), but there are now newer designs/versions available which would be worth a listen.

Also check out the various speaker forums @ (click on the regular "speaker forum" and their will be further options).

Moth has another speaker out now that retails for around $1K, but I have yet to see a review of it.
Hi, I heard these RL Acoustique speakers at the Stereophile show. I never heard these type of speakers. They basically use a horn which acts as a sub. Then they used an AER full range driver. Let me say, these speakers sounded so great. They sounded very articulate and natural. The bass was very good. Here's a pic of them.