BEST Speakers for the BANG around 2K


I am looking for a pair of full range speakers around
2K. My system consist of ML 331, Proceed Amp3, ML
37, and ML 36s.

Thanks, for the Help
Tweekerman- I agree with you about the audio mags, but I am sure they are mostly right(regardless what we believe-the speakers I currently own got a horrible review from Stereophile, yet I still bought them knowing this)

What I don't agree with is your powerful statements you make everytime you find a "new" product. A month ago you called anyone who didn't like Martin Logans foolish, then you went on to some sort of other ribbon/electrostat speaker, now the Raven tweeter is all the rave as is the simple answer to this question being focal drivers. Then there's all French electronics, which I won't even get into here. What I am trying to say(and don't take this the wrong way) is there are plenty of ways to achieve your audiophile goals(I doubt any two of us have even close system, yet most of us would say that they sound good and we are happy with them-does that make every one else wrong?) just because you "discover" a new brand or idea you didn't know before, doesn't mean its the best nor does it mean its a bad idea, just different. In short nothing in high end audio is easy.

Tireguy thanks for your understanding towards my at times overzealous interest in this wonderful hobby. What i meant about the electrostats is that...another time... anyway my research has led me to a product called a kit. I've never heard of this word before. Trust me you'll never hear of Kits in the mags...For me, maybe not for anyone else on audiogon but me..these kits offer another ALTERNATIVE to the "commercial" speakers offered in the local "hifi" shops. Most of us have access to audition about 10 to 15 speaker lines in our local area. so we may make our choice among these 15 lines. Not many of us have the opportunity to fly over at the CES show and listen to all the best. I sure hope everyone takes what i say with some humor(dull at best) but as well with interest in what i have to say on this OPEN forum. We're all here to learn and heck i've always read your posts with great interest. If Hchg likes little to none of what i say...thats his decision. And you're so right which ever component we chose over another there is a sacrifice somewhere. One digital player offers one quality that the other may not.(refer to Bwhites excellent review of 3 great digital players) So you're right whats nice sounding to me may not be the one for another's taste... I'll chill abit.
As long as your using top of the line electronics, i love the JM Labs from the Eletra 920.1 on up to the Utopia line. Everybody has different taste when it comes to sound though so my suggestion would be to listen and compare different brands and price ranges to see what your ears prefer. One thing i have found is just because a speaker cost alot doesn't mean it will sound good. Good luck
HIFi111 Thomas