Any feedback on Von Schweikert VR4Gen.III

I've loved my Audio Physic Virgo's but It's now time to move on. I need more body, more bass, more MORE! These new VR's are supposed to be the best thing since sliced bread. Any Info would be appreciated.
I got mine about 2 weeks ago. I also had to wait 4 months. They are not even close to being broken in as my wife wasn't too happy when I said I was going to leave them on high volume with a cd in repeat mode when I went to work. The last thing I need is my wife resenting me upgrading my hobby as I haven't bought my new pre/amp yet. At the same time, I am breaking in new cables and IC's. I am still experimenting with position as well, although they seem unusually flexible in this regard. There is no VS dealer near me, so I did something really stupid. I bought them without ever having heard them. Was I worried about my hard earned 5K (got a center channel for HT too)? You betcha. After about 40 hours I can say they sound better than I had ever hoped. They are amazing. Great big soundstage now and I can already hear it starting to open up more; the speakers are starting to dissapear. Clear, neutral, and tight. Out of the box, the system sounded too bright but this was due to my components. I got a Cary 303 and that solved that. I was driving them with a 15 year old Adcom 555 amp while I saved enough for replacement. For the heck of it I hooked it up to a Marantz SR-18 which in 2 channel is more powerful than the Adcom. I could be imagining it, but things sounded crisper and less fatiguing. I cannot wait for more upgraded components. It is a joy to know that as good as they sound now, they will only get better. YMMV
Happy Listening!
I've been thinking of getting either the vr 3.5s
or the vr4 Gen III. Haven't heard either one yet
but I heard the original vr4's, loved them but was put off by their size. I was wondering if you bought the standard model or the HSE with howland crossover. Also if you heard both
and what the difference was.
I got the standard, non-HSE version and cannot comment on any differences since I have not heard them. The Gen III are large and heavy (130 lbs each). I think the dimensions are listed on his website. My opinion is they are not suitable for a small, say 10' x 10' room. YMMV
I have had many of Albert designs and every one of them has been at least a best buys it their time.
