Any Piega p 10 users out there?

I own a pair of P10's and have been changing equiptment frequently. Anyone found a great matchup for these? Tubes or solid state? Which sounds better to your ears? Thanks.
Regards, kale
Dear Kale

I have p8 ltds (due to size limitations). I have them hooked up to the musical fidelity nuvista integrated amp and the sound is spectacular. I think that the combination of tube preamp and solid state output matches well. The price is also reasonable but it may be tough to come by one - though I have seen a few up for sale on audiogon. A friend compared his audioresearch and the result wasn't even close, he bought the nuvista. I know a friend who has put in the tenor amps 75i and loves them but they retail for about 4 times what my electronics do. Hope this is of help. If I can be of help drop me a note

Thanks,Gary. Right now i have a Rowland model 10, which i love. But i am intrigued by this Berning tube amplifier. It has received a lot of positive reviews here on agon. Anybody heard this combo?
I was told that your Rowland should do just fine. I had a Pass X-150 with my P-10's initially and was just never satisfied. I traded for a MBL and it has made all the difference in the world. That amp with the P-10's is just right. Contact Ted at High End Audio. He is wonderful to work with in upgrading.