Any Piega p 10 users out there?

I own a pair of P10's and have been changing equiptment frequently. Anyone found a great matchup for these? Tubes or solid state? Which sounds better to your ears? Thanks.
Regards, kale
Waltersalas: As a dealer for both products, you would have no problem driving the P10's with the bel canto EVo 200.2. Monoblock bel canto's would be unnecessary. A nice tube preamp would be a worthwhile addition.

Good choices!

Thanks for the reply, Jtinn. Would anyone care to sound off on the sonic differences between the P10 and P8? One would assume the P10 just does more of the same type of thing the P8 does (more resolving, better bass extension, etc.), but is the difference incremental or significant? Perhaps it is significantly incremental.

Also, how about the P8 Ltd? I have read that it is VERY close to the P10. True or false?

Thanks for this thread. I think a lot of people would be interested in learning more about this line of speakers.
I do not have the p10's nor heard them but I do have the p8 ltd and am delighted with them. My choice was based largely on the size of speaker,ie why I excluded the p10s. The big difference in talking to the dealer is the slightly deeper base and the rear firing tweeter (a second one) which is not important in a bright room. The limited group are more 'careuflly' constructed although with piega I find that tough to believe (perhaps I should say they are better reinforced and use better crossovers) and they are very carefully matched. The finish is really amazing, the best I have seen on a loudspeaker. A number of friends on the net have the p10 and have listened to both and say they are very close indeed. If size is an issue the p8ltd are small in appearance and huge in sound and visually very appealing. If price were an issue the p10 start cheaper but can get slightly more expensive with all the extra trim. If you have any questions on the p8ltd drop me a note, 2 other friends have bought them after listening to mine.
I just finished setting up a system in Southwest Florida for audition purposes with p8 ltd due to room size.The main difference is the ability of the larger speaker to fill a larger space.A writer for a major audiophile mag. just purchased the 8ltd, for this exact reason ,and uses them as his reference.If you require smaller size and have a room smaller than 12 by 15 it may be the perfect speaker.Don't misunderstand though the showroom in Sanibel is 15 by 30+ with vaulted ceiling, yet we are using one end of the room and the sound is outrageous.The inner detail and smoothness of the 2 speakers is the same and there is slightly more low bass,a few notes only,not different in sound volume and balance.I hope this helps some.
classical music listeners?
I could never afford the 10's....but I've wondered if the Piega's can handle orchestral, piano and most especially violins so they aren't migraine inducing.