Electrostatic Speakers

Can anyone tell me the weaknesses of electrostatic speakers? I am currently considering soundlab speakers, but may purchase the Watt Puppy Sevens. I am aware of size and foot print limitations.
Phase, seems a long time since you listened to any type of stators last, unless of course you're speaking from hearsay.
Modern stators do not have any of those characteristics you speak of and yes, they are generally phasecorrect (sic) and have better continuity than most....
Phasecorrect, "Arcing?"

"Anemic bass," you got to be kidding. One of the great sonic successes of the big Apogees are their deep bass that play seamlessly with the mids and highs.

For realistic acoustic bass, there is no better. Certainly, certain box speakers can produce more slam, which works for electronic bass reproduction. If that is solely your cup of tea, then by all means... but if you want to hear a cello, drum, acoustic bass, etc.. and you want it to smoothly integrate, it is here the large Apogee panels will excel.

"Metallic highs," If you have ever heard a Diva, Scintilla, Duetta, or Full Range, then that term wouldn't have occurred to you. In fact, I haven't heard anyone characterize the highs of Apogees as being "metallic."

"...." I suppose by this, you mean everything else...

I can't say anything about other panel speakers except that the ones I've heard do a better mid than any dynamic drive I've heard. It is true, they are all room dependent to varying degrees. Floor reflections can be simply nullified using a rug.

It is the speed of the ribbon or panel that defines fine texture in a voice or instrument that sets them apart. Apogees extend this speed and clarity to 30Hz and lower.

Muralman1, you are right of course, but this thread is not about planar speakers in general, I believe, but about electrostatic speakers. Cheers,
OOps, Darn, don't you wish we had the ability to delete our own posts. I've wanted to do that from time to time, and I am sure others have wanted me to do that.... Thanks Detlof. :)
I agree with the excellent threads mentions here, but I
I would like to share my 2 cents experience about my
martin logan quest, I own them for at least 10 years,
ONE OF THE WEAKNESS THAT I consider most is the placment,
especially if you dont have enough room, to keep on moving
them,For me they sound excellent when I played them on
low volume.My room is well padded so reflection was not
a problem, playing them in low volume helps to eliminate
the reflection.I use plinius sa 100 just about right with
the volume level I like. HONESTLY KRELL 200 watt at least
with cardas wiring and wadia cd player they sounds