paradigm studio 100 VS. triangle celius

I am looking to trade my studio 100 for the triangle's. Would I be better off with the paradigms? The studio 100 has more bass but the triangle is more accurate.
I like all kinds of music. jazz, rock, reggae
I have a mcintosh integrated.
I compared my HIGHLY MODIFIED Studio 100's ver2 to many other types of speakers including B&W N802's, Maggies, verity tomino, JM labs cobalt 926, Mini grande utopia, etc... These were in lots of different systems, and its very hard to get everything into your own.

The modified 100's could defintely hold there own and if there was anything better (which I had a very hard time trying to conceive that there was) of any of the more expensive loudspeakers mentioned, the price differnce is defintely not worth the large jump.

None of the speakers mentioned could give me the full-bodied rythym and pace, (and defintely not make me feel the drums and have them appeat soo real) and disapear completely like the modified 100's could. I do admit the 100's have lots and lots of SLAM, and Dynamics, but do strings and flutes incredibly well too.

But STOCK, they are all right, kinda dark sounding, power hungry, richer sounding than the rest of the studio line, and I would admit that they are great for the money, but after you get into them and do alot of modding, they defitely sound like a expensive snobby-type of high resolution loudspeaker.
The Triangle Celius 202 is my current favorite among my many speakers, and it mates well with both tube and ss equipment, in my case I have used them with Krell 300i as well as AR SP9-II and VT-60 with the Krell assisting its bass performance a bit more. The bass can be beaten by a lot of other good speakers, but it is hard to better in terms of total musicality. I have no experience with the Studio 100's and cannot comment on a direct comparison.

I put around 300 total feet of silver wire to replace all internal wiring for both speakers drivers and parts, deleted binding posts, deleted any connectors, tweaked crossovers/parts, speakers sit on custom made isolation boards, rings around the tweeters for imaging (this was a huge improvement!), and lastly bybee filters, which also made these speakers sound much better. Speakers cable are made by myself out of silver wire and are obviously captive into the speakers crossovers, WBT silver solders and Caig ProGold used as well.


Very good disappearing act. Voices and instruments are recreated with such a real like-life sound, very holographic and imaging is right on. Very neutral in a sense that they are not fatiguing and can be played at very insane LOUD dynamic levels without a hint of stress (stock they have no problems either). Bass is extremly controlled and very tight but not overly boomy (I think has to do with the big authority that the amp has).

Bottom line is that they definitely sound different than stock. Total sonic signature is change drastically and worth it all the way. There is alot of "hidden" sound that is not coming into the room with these speakers stock, but enough for the average audiophile, I defintely uncanned alot of resolution, dynamics, and transparency. PRAT!!!

I wanted to see how far I can take these speakers and how they would sound comparable to much more expensive speakers, well, lets say that now I am understanding what the term "snob appeal" is about now!

Thanks for your interests!