Proac Studio 125s

I am considering buying these little guys because I love the Proac sound, but cannot afford to move up to the Response series. However, I have not really had a chance to compare them with much of competition. I am concerned that at this price point, I probably have a lot of very good options of which I may not be aware.

The question is: At their price point, do the 125s offer enough of the Proac sound to be good value, or are there other speakers out there that offer more of the strengths of the higher level Proacs at the same or lesser cost?

As a sidenote, the Proacs do have the advantage of high WAF. My wife likes the ebony veneers as much as I like the way they sound. So please avoid suggesting aesthetically challenged alternatives :-)

Thanks for your input.
That's a good question Curbach, I've always wondered about the Studio series. I too am a fan of the ProAc sound, being that I own the Tablette 50 Signatures. They also happen to be in the ebony veneer which I agree is very nice. But I also like yew wood.

Are you planning to buy new? Because lately there have been many used Response 1.5s for sale here since they have been replaced with the D15. Most are in the $1500-2000 range, which is around the price of new Studio 125s. I would jump at the chance to snap up a pair of 1.5s here if my room could support them.

Which leads me to my next question. Can you get away with mini monitors? My Tab 50s do a decent job of reproducing most of the freq. spectrum and I'm sure the Response 1SCs for $1200-1400 used would do even better.

Have fun with your search.
Also consider the now discontinued Studio 150-which the 125 replaced-some dealers consider the 150 to be a better speaker,certainly it was more expensive in it's day-I believe the 125 was introduced partly because the 150 breached the £1k in the UK (1300-1500).
I picked up a pair of Rosewood Proac 150's here in the UK-perfect ex-demo's for about half the original cost and some £250 less than new Studio 125's would have cost me.
Look great and sound great.
Not sure how available they are in the States.
I have a pair of 150's also, and I like them a lot. IMO they are in fact better than the 125's. It seemed to me that the 125's have somewhat better LF extension, perhaps owing to the single 6-1/2" mid-bass driver, but the dual 5" seem more articulate, and go low enough for my musical tastes. I could not justify the cost differential (approx double) for R2.5's.