How good does it get?


I'm trying to complete my modest audio system with a pair of quality speakers. To date I have:
1) Two Citation 7.1 amps- 4x150 W/ch. (2x450 bridged)
2) Arcam FMJ CD-23 cdp
3) Conrad Johnson PF-R pre

Right now I have a pair of speakers which provide GREAT imaging, have a very natural, detailed and spacious sound and are very decent in bass response and lack of coloration. Now I want MORE!

I'm hoping to get a pair of speakers which will; by a VERY, VERY, wide margin; surpass my present speakers.

I'm willing to spend over ten times the money on a used pair of speakers as I spent on my present speakers-NEW.

The bad news is that I presently own a pair of Wharfedale Sapphire 88's (6" woofer, 6" mid in separate enclosure and 1" silk dome tweeter) that I purchased for $79.00 each plus shipping-(Total of $290.00 delivered to my door)

I have no drivers liscence and there are no high end audio shops within 30 miles of me. As a result I have heard none (not a one) of the offerings put out by the various manufacturers that may be of interest to me. This situation results in my having to buy a pair of speakers without the benefit of an audition. I am therefore relying on the opinions and impressions of Audiogon members, (whose opinions I trust) to steer me to the speakers which will satisfy my audio cravings.

I'm sure that by now it's quite clear that I'm VERY inexperienced in high end audio. I have heard absolutly NO high end systems.

So back to my original thought- How much better does it get? (For a guy who is so inexperienced in high end audio) I've been trying to do my homework as far as whats available in my price range- Von Schweikert VR-4,VR-4 Gen II, VR-3.5, Silverline Sonata, Sonatina ,Sonatina II, JM-labs 920.1, 915, Vandersteen 2Ce-sigs,3A-sigs, VMPS RM-2 Neo's, B&W N804, N803,Matrix 802 S-III, Legacy Classic's, Dunlavy SC-III,SC-IV, Norh 9.0 Marble, Dynaudio Audience 82, Contour 3.0, Contour 1.8 Mk II, Hales Rev. IIII, Snell V, NHT-2.9, 3.3, Monitor Audio 9 silver, 20 Gold, Theil 3.6, 1.5, and various others by Joseph, ACI, KEF, Ect,Ect......

So what should I buy? I'd like a highly detailed, smooth speaker with terrific bass response.

I'm looking for a full range floorstander, the thinner dimensionally, the better, the fuller the sound- the best!

Will 10 times the money buy me 10 times the speaker? 5x the speaker? 2x the speaker? A "noticeable difference" or something like "A huge difference in the percieved response of all audio frequencies, audible or not"

Please, looking for a straight shooter to set me straight.



Steve..although I'm not too familiar with your equipment my word of warning after looking at your list of loudspeaker choices is that most of these speakers will leave you in need of major equipment upgrades..of the group I'd recommend
(something warmish and forgiving) the Vandersteen 2ce sigs maybe that leaves you some room for a component ugrade I'd look at amplification but remember that old saying about a chain being only as strong as it's weakest link.
Hi Steve,

I'm familiar with at least one amp of yours. Why don't you come on over and listen to SCIIIs or SCIV's?

Best wishes,

Bill E.
Thiel 3.6s can give outstanding results. However, I have heard that a replacement model is due out. In speakers, trust your ears. Find a procedure to follow while auditioning speakers that puts every aspect of performance to the test. Don't throw in a bunch of variables. Leave the store's recordings out of the picture. Stick to the "playlist" you have devised and try for a home audition or bring your electronics to the store to see if the amp is up to the task and, again, to limit variables. Listen with your ears not your eyes. Don't belive every comment you hear or read. Don't listen through a padded wallet. Good luck in your quest.
Greetings Say811,

You are setting out to make a highly subjective choice without the benefit of listening, since you don't have the option of driving for an audition. May the audio gods smile on you!

Speaker choice is a very personal thing because, until they make the perfect speaker, the best we can hope for is to pick the pair whose shortcomings bother us least. And that varies from one person to the next.

Extrapolating from your stated preferences, I'd suggest either the Vandersteens or Von Schwiekerts of VMPS's from your list. Apparently I like speakers that start with the letter "V". But I'd want to talk to you a bit more about your personal preferences before making a recommendation from among these three. If you place a really high premium on the narrow-front format, you might look at Audio Physic or Coincident. I sell none of these.

Best wishes,

Nice post Duke. Steve, your list of speakers covers both a wide cost range and a wide sonic range. The Vandersteen 2Ce/sigs are excellent and pretty forgiving speakers-- and don't cost a lot (in high end terms)-- I enjoyed them for several years, and as I up-graded my electronics they just sounded better and better.

The Thiel 3.6s are excellent too, but a lot more expensive and are VERY demanding of up-stream components, ie they can be ruthlessly revealing. Speakers are the most "colored" of all components, so you need to find a way to audition even if it means buying and selling used until you find something you like. But Good Luck in your quest.

I'm not personally familiar with your present speakers or amps, but as a philosophy, I'd agree with Duke. Cheers. Craig