Planning audio audition trip to NY/NJ, vendors???

I am planning on burning some winter blues by jumping in the car, leaving NE Ohio and traveling east to Philly, north NJ or NYC to audition some audio gear. I'm looking for everything, CDP's, speakers, amps, etc., for various room sizes, future upgrading, and general audio knowledge/experience etc. I'm looking for your help on some good retailers to visit in these areas, hopefully some vendors that I could have a buying relationship with in the future. Would appreciate your positive experiences.
Three weeks ago I had what was without a doubt the most pleasant experience I have ever had at a dealer's showroom. This was after 25 years in this hobby and visits to every major showroom in the NYC area, as well as showrooms in several other cities. I found myself with two hours to kill between rehearsals in the Madison ave. area and I stumbled across the Red Rose Music showroom on Mad. ave. This as you know is Mark Levinson's new company; I had read and heard about them, but had not had the opportunity to check them out.

I have never owned any Levinson gear nor been particularly "blown away" when I have heard it at dealers', shows or friends'; although I have liked what I heard and certainly respect the man ML.

I walked in without an appointment and for the next hour and a half sat in a very comfortable single listening room environment with a piano and other instruments around, and listened to MUSIC with the warmest, most respectfull, and most audio/music-astute salesperson that I have ever met. While there, three other folks dropped in and stayed for shorter periods of time and received the same treatment.

I loved the sound: VERY alive sounding and MUSICAL!!!! The word "easy" keeps coming up. Their small ribbon tweetered two way powered by the tubed integrated (I don't remember model #'s) with a SONY HDCD sounded absolutely gorgeous. Wonderfull liquidity and fabulous clarity in the mids and highs without a hint of harshness. The bigger gear was stunning. If I were in the market for a whole new system, this would be at the top of the list.

I guess you can tell I liked their stuff and their attitude. Highly Recommended! Good luck.

Red Rose Music
943 Madison Avenue
212 628 5777
I'd second the above two suggestions. The Red Rose stuff has always impressed me as being what this hobby should be about. Another place with good equipment and nice folks in Upper Montclair, NJ is CSA Audio, 973-744-0600, 193 Bellvue Avenue. Mike O'Keefe, the guy who turned me on to tubes and analog, has recently rejoined them and done a nice job setting up their high-end showroom, bringing back analog to that room with a nicely set up Nottingham table (probably one of the few places around you can hear that table).