I have Paradigm Studio 100 and I want to use a subwoofer with them..I use my system only for would you suggest using a subwoofer for only music with my Paradigms??I need help....
No reason to as far as I know. Let's say that you have four separate cables: Woofer Left (WL), Tweeter Left (TL), Woofer Right (WR) and Tweeter Right (TR). You can hook the amplifier ends of WL and TL to your Left A output and the amplifier ends of WR and TR to your Right A output. There are many fine cables that offer one input to the amp with two separate outputs to the speaker. You may also be happy with high quality jumpers -- hook the speaker cable to the woofer and the jumper from woofer to tweeter inputs. Good luck.
I want to ask you something..If I bi-wire I will use 4 runs of the same cable but I will have to put both A and B speaker terminals on because I use the cables with plugs fitted on..So does using both A and B terminals together degrade the sound?
I hope that better audio tech minds than mine are "listening" in to correct me; I don't believe that running A & B would degrade the sound at low to moderate volumes, but I do think you may be running a risk driving your amps at higher volumes. You may wish to e-mail or call your amplifier company to verify.
This post may be old but I must say Bag End are INCREDIBLY musical! My room is 20x12x9'.