Best Dual purpose HT and Music speakers 10k

<$10k new, that way a used pair might be in my budget.

Just looking for fronts.

But obviously there has to be some sort of matching center and surrounds available for later purchase from the same manufacture to make it worthwhile for a HT application.
I will vote for Dynaudio Contour 3.3. They are good enough for most 2-ch system and more than good enough for HT. They play loud and deep, also have good dynamic, and reward you when you feed them more power. They can even run without sub for 2-ch listening so the sub won't screw up the sound. They don't take that much space, and they are less than what you wanted to spend :)
Well, with Genesis coming back into business, you *might* be able to pair their center channel they made with the old Infinity IRS Betas. The betas can be had for around $4K give or take and are amazing still to this day. The 8 servo controlled 12" woofers makes more than enough bass for movies and the upper frequency panels are awesome.

I bought Betas for my HT and then picked up another pair for surrounds instead of getting the Genesis surrounds. Even using my IRS Gamma on its side for a center channel has yielded pretty good results.
I have Dynaudio Contours (3.0's in front, with matching center, Audience 50's in back), so I guess by definition that's what I'd recommend since that's what I decided on. I have a dual purpose system that I avidly use for both music and movies.

I think something along the ATC suggestion is the other "path" I'd investigate (or will investigate if I ever change what I currently have. The Dyn's are nice, and are my first choice in music, but probably wouldn't be my absolute first choice in HT. Something that's a little "quicker", which will probably come from a more monitor-like speaker, and quite possibly is self powered, at least in the bass, would probably be what I'd pursue for a system that was more HT, but where I wanted good music as well. Other brands I'd consider along these lines would be Infinity, M&K and NHT, to name a few.

Finally, Martin Logan would be an excellent choice, particularly if you listen to music where electrostats excel. A pair of Odyssey's up front would be an excellent start, and they make dynamite center and surrounds to add later.

Certainly the Dynaudios and the ML's would require (at least ultimately) an upgraded amp for the fronts to fully realize their potential. They both really like their juice.

As usual, I haven't heard most of the suggestions! But I -have- heard both Aerials (I think the 7B), Vandersteen-5s and I was impressed with both. I had the same budget and I opted for MartinLogan Odysseys, although I'm sure a lot of folks will not agree with my tastes... Sonus Faber has HT products too; I've heard some of their 2-channel a little and it sounds qgreat - but looking at their web site suggests that their HT stuff is in a different (much lower) class. And you should look into Vienna Acoustics, too - they tend to get a lot of high marks (but I haven't heard them myself).
If your primary interest is music I'd suggest the biggest Dunlavy's you can afford. If your primary interest is HT I'd suggest Aerial 10T's.