Best Dual purpose HT and Music speakers 10k

<$10k new, that way a used pair might be in my budget.

Just looking for fronts.

But obviously there has to be some sort of matching center and surrounds available for later purchase from the same manufacture to make it worthwhile for a HT application.
If your primary interest is music I'd suggest the biggest Dunlavy's you can afford. If your primary interest is HT I'd suggest Aerial 10T's.
Well, heard the Merlin VSM-M this weekend and was sold. They were great.

Now I have to start saving for the VSM Center and 4 TSM surrounds!!!
I'd take a look at the new ACI stuff. The Talismans look to have all the right ingredients for a great pair of mains. Veritas centers and surrounds should build an incredible system. Haven't yet heard any of this new stuff but ACI has never disappointed me.