What's the Best Speakers use with the CAT JL2/SL1?

System : Amps/Preamp: Convergent Audio Technologie JL2/SL1 ultimate, Turntable/Arm: Simon Yorke S7 with Graham 2.2, Cartridge: Benz Micro Ruby 2/Lyra Helikon, Phono cables: Graham IC-70/Cardas Golden reference, Interconnects/Speakers cables: Cardas Golden reference,
CD Player: Audio Aero Capitole, Tuner: Sequerra FM Reference.
What is the best Speakers to use with this system equipment?
My room size: 18ft x 13ft x 8.5ft.

I took the opportunity to call Ken Stevens of CAT and read him this thread. He was impressed by the general quality of advice and had a couple of additional suggestions.
If you have the scratch, by all means consider the Wilson Grand Slamms. They're fantastic speakers that work beautifully with CAT electronics. And if you want extremely transparent and dynamic sound that won’t break the bank, consider a pair of Merlin VSM Milleniums combined with a pair of Janis W-1 subwoofers. With CAT electronics, it’s very hard to beat the Merlin/Janis combination at any price. Best of luck with your decision!
Try Edolon by Avalon which should mate perfectly with the combo if transparent, fast, taut, responsive and coherent
sound is what you are longing for. This system also sounds big and authorative, with staggering bass reproduction. You just can't go wrong with it.

Think seriously about Vandersteen 5A. You will be able to tune them to your room and have a sound that will NEVER give you any headache people may get even listening to the best systems around. Specially with the electronics you have!!!! Mark
It's an understatement to say that I'm using CAT JL-1's quite successfully with Soundlab M1's. At a very understated 100W each, these monoblocks control the -- difficult to drive -- M1's superbly.