S.F Cremona

Anyone out there have a chance to listen to this new speaker from Sonus Faber. Just from the picture's I seen, it does look real nice. I have been checking for review's and write up's but I have not had much luck.
I have to second Semi's response, the Amati is in an entirely differet league than the Cremona. The Amatis (along with the Guanari & Electa Amator) are quite special but the Cremona can be overly bright and rough in the uppermids and the bass can be quite boomy and uncontrolled. They are more in line with $5 speakers (like the Dynaudio 3.0 and B&W N803 which I prefer over the Cremonas) not $7.5K ones. I had high hopes for these speakers, they do look very nice, but was disappointed with the sound. BTW did anyone else notice how many of them came up for sale used right after they were released? I guess more than a few thought the sound would live up to the look.
I beg to differ only slightly: given the prices of SF, the Cremona for THE MONEY rivals the Amati for THEIR MONEY. In the Cremona you get SF sound, and a floorstander at that, with good capabilities overall -- but difficult placement.
Otherwise, sonically the Cremona doesn't wash vs the Amati (IMHO & my deaf ears). Semi's experience gives insight, although I never found the Cremona mids at par with Amati (preferred the latter), I too noticed the shortcomings he notes. Cheers!
True, the price difference between the Cremona and Amati is dramatic so the performance should be in a different league. It's just that for $500 more the B&W N802 betters the Cremona in every way. It isn't as home-friendly but does one buy for looks or sound?