Can I get "Great" used speakers for $1800??

I got only have $1800 to spend on "used mint" speakers. Can I get something "great" for my money??---- something that is musical, accurate, coherent with tight bass and good soundstaging. I see a lot of good stuff on Audiogon for $2800-3000, but just can't hack those prices now. Can I get close to that "performance" level for $1800?? What will be missing?? I listen to lots of classic rock, big band, and jazz. Thanks, Jimbo
Calanctus, this was an earlier version of the SS M9's. Not the totally redesigned speaker with the 'super tweeter' on top of the cabinet. Right now there is a guy selling a better pair of my speakers for $1800. These would be a steal, and if they didn't say 'Sony' on the cabinets would have been gone a long time ago. They sound better than virtually every speaker B&W ever made, I consider them to be on the level of a Wilson, or other great speaker!
To answer your question Geoffgarcia..probably because most have figured out they can achieve engaging sound without blowing money on some ones work of art..Most equipment over 10k is bought for statis not sound!Most drivers used in elite highend can be found in a used $1500.00 speaker.As well as the same filters,and wiring.There are only so many driver and filter manufactures in the world.In a blind fold test it will be impossible for you to tell the difference between what you consider midfi and elite hifi!IMHO the best bang for the buck is between $3000 and $5000.Sure some of the speakers you are refering to are beautiful...but beautiful has nothing to do with sounding good IMHO! For those who like spending 50k on some speakers with $25.00 drivers in them ...I wish them well.I guess there is a fool born everyday as the saying goes. Happy Listening!
Thiel or Proac is what I ended up getting. My Maggies hit the road after I heard both of these speakers
The Thiel 1.6 is exceptional (extraordinary IMO) and should come in under $1800. Needs good associated components.