Best speaker 3k to 4k used?

What do you think is the best speaker in the 3k to 4k range(used)? I am using solid state electronics(Gryphon S100 & Tabu preamp). Room size is 14' x 20'.
Thanks for the suggestions so far. I need a versital speaker because I listen to a variety of music. I like female vocals, accoustic, jazz, light classical,and some rock.
Von Schweikert VR4.5's as stated by 'Acuujim'.
You should be able to get into a pair of these second-hand for about $2500. Then start saving to have them sent off to Von Schweikert for their new upgrade, which is about another $2200.
The upgrade will turn these speakers into something out of this World,...they are already a great speaker though!
Dynaudio Contour 3.3 or Silverline La Folia. Dynaudio probably has better integration, but Silverline will go deeper and probably has better midrange.
Third recommendation for Aerials - for your amp and listening tastes the model 6's would be perfect (yes, I use them too..). I use a 100 w/ch Rowland integrated - the combination is fantastic. I use them even in a decent sized room (21 X 13) and only need to turn on my REL Storm for heavy classical/organ music. Try to find a similar 3-way speaker (the key word, 3-way), with trickle down technology (same tweeter as 10t) and this level of build quality, for the price of the model 6. I have yet to hear a speaker under 5k that sounds better overall... It certainly is one of the best values (used) in high end...