best monitor available?

I am looking for some input on a potential upgrade to my totem mani2's. I only want to upgrade if it is an obvious improvement (therefore no mani 2 se) and I do not want to change my electronics. (EAD amp/pre pro with latest dacs.) All listening is nearfield, 20ft w by 12 ft deep b7 8 ft high exercise area with speakers on the wide wall 1 foot out. Listening to all but classical, with a velodyne sub for lf. Large amount of off center listening of music and open to small floorstanders if necessary. Have thought about revel gems, wilson benesch, jm lab, verity and others, but only have current experience with revel and totem. I am flexible on price. thanks for your input.
El: I consider it unwise policy to make fun of dragons (just ask that guy Sharon Stone took to the zoo... :-)
eldragon, and zaikesman, in addition to being a lizard, a monitor also means advisor in latin. On the topic of advice, I am surprised that there are very few other names tossed about, but perhaps that means that I am going to audio extremes here. I will check out the Kharma. any other ideas, say in the 10k area? thanks for the thoughts.
Emster, don't forget the Merlins, VSM (floorstander) and TSM (stand mount), both relatively efficient and an easy load. The Karma's 3.2 are also great as noted by Tireguy. They are also quite expensive for a 2-way but it shouldn't be a consideration if you can afford them.

Do listen to the Merlins though. Whether you love them or not I doubt if you will be indifferent and that is always a good thing.
Any one tried Tannoy's System 800,1000 and 1200? How about Tannoy's DX00 series?