Tube Pre for Klipschorn

What tube preamp match well with Klipschorns; or should I be going the other way and use a SS pre and tube power amp(s)? If so, what tube power amp is a good match with the khorns (Quicksilver horn amps?). I trying to get rid of as much noise as possible. I'm currently using a Quicksilver fullfunction tube preamp, but it a little too noisy and I'm using a Citation XX SS poweramp.

Hi Calvin you have a difficult tradeoff situation here.
I think the decision depends upon your listening preferences: do you want tube holography & euphonics, or solid state speed--- slam/dynamics & iron fisted bass-control?
I've always preferred solid state with my PWK '78 vintage Belles because I want that kind of SS sound.
Myself I wouldn't be using those hot, inefficient, noisy, microphonic, unreliable, expensive, maintenance intensive tubes with horns. I've already tried that; they just never worked well for me; Tubed preamps are another story, yet tube's high idle noise (tube rush) & microphonics are so easily perceived with sensitive horn transducers that I've found them unbearable. Others do prefer tubes & if that works for them then it's all good - for *them*. For me, the lack of deep bass extension + control, & the softened highs are also problems I've noted w\ tube power amplification.
I've been running my pair of Belles with mosfet's - if you want to see the complete setup then just click on my username & scroll down below the bio to read all about it.
Mosfet based Luxman & Accuphase amps have provided the best results for me so far; 200 watts per channel is about right; when running at higher power levels 100 watts/ch seemes a bit underpowered during those power-demanding peaks. I like to have about 20dB of dynamic headroom, so at a 2watt/ch. listening level a 200 watt/ch amp is a good fit. Perreaux, Ayre, even McCormack Deluxe series amps also do a pretty good job, but generally I don't care for the sound of bipolars w\ horns. Mosfet amps w\ combined with MIT MH750-(xx) speaker cabling the synergy is very good.
When I experimented with tube preamps I found them to be objectionably noisy, just as you have found. That is the nature of tubes in general, but surely there must be some exceptions? I tried a top-line Cary pre (awful microphonic's & ringing) a Joule Electra, two VTL's (2.5 & 5.5) didn't like any of 'em. But I did find one Golden Tube Audio pre that sounded very quiet, fast, & it staged like crazy! That is the GTA SEP-2. They also made an SEP-3 that has the same audio stage circuitry but with an external power supply. The SEP-1 I didn't try (no remote control); these units all had optional internal phono stages. Solo Electronics' GTA is out of business now, but you can still find these units available used with some patience & detective work. Service & support is still reasonably available from selected shops.
I was driving a McCormack DNA-1 with the SEP-2 at that time & the pair was truly magical. Later I upgraded to a DNA-1 Deluxe which was even sweeter. I still have both of those pieces on hand as spares, although they're not presently in service. A pair of Accuphase is in their place at the moment.
If you want even more noise, just use a home theater processor as a pre like I'm doing with my La Scalas. Every one I've tried is noisy when hooked up to horns.

ps - I thought "tube rush" was an herbal remedy.
Use a SS pre with the Quicksilver horn amps. You might want to try an Adcom 750. Passive mode dead silent, active mode has gain and nearly so. Good combo unless you have to drive LONG interconnects between pre and amp...
Quicksilver amps are a great match with vintage Klipsch horn-loaded speakers IMO. I have LaScala's and Heresy's, and have also owned two sets of Forte II's. Of those the LaScala's are my favorites (same drivers as your Khorns, different housing) and I run those with Quicksilver 300B SET's (prototypes). I've also run Klipsch speakers with Quicksilver's Silver 90's (Pentodes), Mini-Mites (push/pulls), and another prototype set of EL34 Triodes made by Quicksilver. I prefer the triode combination with horns. The Pentodes were a bit too punchy for my tastes (still very nice amps), while the Mini-Mites are great little amps and a good compromise between punch and air. With the efficiency of your Khorns you can drive them with a smouldering match so power is really not much of an issue. I'd say a whole lot would depend on what kind of music you like to listen to. If you're into rock and roll and more dynamic material, go for punchy (though I wouldn't recommend SS - Bob_Bundus and I were just contributing our difference of opinion on this very subject in a recent thread on Klipschorns under the review section if you care to look it up). I've never heard that combination sound very good, but then again I haven't had that much exposure to variations on that theme. Bob's experiences have been different from mine, and he seems to like that combination very much, so I have no doubt that some may prefer it, but I have yet to hear it sound good to my ears. If you can swing the $5800 price tag Mike Sanders new 6C33C based amps, "The Triode", would likely be magic with your Khorns. They are not on his site but are available now. My friend back east uses them and tells me they are the best he's heard with his Klipschorns.

As far as a tube pre-amp, I do like my very simple Cary SLP-50A with my LaScala's and SET's. It works great for me, and is a real sleeper of a pre. It is a 2-tube linestage using two 6CG7's. The SLP-50B uses the more popular 6DJ8 family. I tried one for about a month with all forms of premium tubes and ended up selling it and sticking with the just sounded better in my system. I've found the ARC LS-2b (GNS modified) that I own to be too analytical sounding for the SET/horn combination while the Cary seems to let it 'breath' better. The ARC sounds good with the Push/Pull Mini-Mites though. Synergy.

Just my .02 cents.
