Martin Logan - wow

I heard my first electrostatic speakers yesterday, ML Ascent at a very helpful dealer. These are clearly my cup of tea -- I liked better than the B&W N802s I listened to at the same time. Vocals are amazingly present. So of course I have some questions:

1. The bass wasn't great. Better than a monitor (I listened to B&W N805) but not much punch, and more important, sounded a little sloppy. Are there adjustments that one makes to the crossover, some little magic knob, that might improve this?

2. Are most users combining with a sub for stereo use (I'm not doing HT)?

3. We listened in a small room (about 8x8) at the store. My room is about 25 x 14 x 8', with speakers along the 14' wall. What model of Martin Logan would do the best job in this room? Bigger, smaller? I mostly listen at low-ish volumes, but would like to crank it ocassionally?

4. My amp is a Classe CA-200 (the newer style, same as current CA-201). Will this amp do justice to the speakers?

5. Other speakers I should listen to? I hear "maggies" and "innersound" -- are there others to consider?

Thank you!
I owned a pair of Martin Logan SL-3 speakers for 2 1/2 years and I sold them because of the lacking of bass. When I first heard them in the showroom I also fell in love with the midrange. There was so many times that I had to check to see if the woofers were working because the low frequencies were missing. So my point is that if you have all ready noticed the lacking of the bass it will only annoy you more so in the future.
Hi Ehart,
I hope you found my info helpful! I really enjoy my ML and Classe set up and I think you will too! has lot's of info and the good thing is everyone is ML owners and you will get good useful info and everyone is there to help in getting the best from your system. The info will be from ML owners and not from people hearing them once or in a poorly set up dealers room with tons of equipment jammed into a too small of room, etc...
I think ESL do things right and the same goes for box speakers but the ESL does more of it right and the most important things to boot! Happy Listening!
Thanks for all the great responses!

I should clarify that I'm not a real bass-hound. I listen mainly to blues, folk, vocal music (allison Kraus) some rock (Dire Straits), and the like. Not a heavy rock-and-roller. I want bass to be well-defined and tight, not chest-thumping.

Thanks again! I hope to find some of the stuff mentioned in my travels to cities, and listen to it...

- Eric