The one and only acoustic instrument?

I know, I know, it’s not the real audio audition world, but if you had to critically listen to only one acoustic instrument for as long as you wanted, to make a decision to purchase a rig, what would be your lynchpin? Me: PIANO. Remember, acoustic, even for the rockers out there.
piano - very hard to reproduce all the nuances

Joni Mitchell Down to You, Same Situation off Court & Spark
Laura Nyro - The Looms Desire Album
are two good examples

next cello - all those warm overtones

I play upright bass
This is a useful reference for what various instruments can do.

I have a framed print copy hanging in my listening room for reference.
Piano offers more data for making an informed, rational decision. Guitar resonates more personally for me. So, if my left brain is running this show....

that is the coolest chart
thanks for sharing!

it would be wonderful if you touch a spot and it give the tone for that instrument