PSB Gold,tweeter upgrade.

I have a pair of original PSB Gold's and was wondering if anyone had a suggestion for upgrading the tweeter? I am going to re-wire internally,adding WBT binding posts as well.
Audio39, Did you ever try a tubed pre in front of those barbarians? Low and behold no shrill. At least that has been my experience.
I would go with the focal's or morel mdt-33's- but then I prefer a soft dome tweeter over a metal dome any day. :)

btw I got mine here-->
Iam also an owner of these fine speakers and was thinking the same thing.going to purchase a set of vifa d27tg35 tweeters, and give them a shot? what the heck,I also have a tube preamp in front of these which helps alot but, still some harshness remaines.