Kharma CRM 3.2F

Have ny of you heard this very expensive two-way speaker. It features the same drivers (high and mid range) and crossover components as the Exquisite.
No doubt Kharmas a great speakers and every model I have listened to have impressed me.When we get into these prices there are quite a few notable mentions.Another superb one is the Lumen Whites(Whitlelites,Whiteflames)(*yes I am dealer for them).They also use Ceramic drivers(even for the woofers) and to me surpass the Kharmas.The technology used is rather radical(no stuffing,based purely on the shape of the cabinet to eliminate resonances)but I can tell you it works flawlessly.They were at CES last year,with limited gear,their own amps primarily,but those who heard the room were very impressed.This year they will be all over Hoviland,Ayon,Mastersound ect. and other big names.Something that you should consider listening to.Right up ther among the best of the
While I agree with Sattothestars about the Lumenwhite speakers being very nice, IMHO, they are not even in the same league as the Kharmas.

They are not as fast, not as transparent, not as resolute, not as easy to drive. They do not have as good bass, the detail retrieval is not nearly as good either.

Let me make it clear, I spent quite a bit of time with these speakers and I found them very alluring, but not like real music. It really is a matter of taste. I try to listen to live music of most kinds weekly and that is my reference.

John, sell the Lumenwhites, but own the Kharmas. :)
Brad: Sorry I did not respond sooner, I just saw your post.

The Kharma 3.2 Reference Monitor is an experience each time you listen. With most speakers I have owned and heard, I find myself breaking down what I hear; picking apart the system or focusing on their strengths or their weaknesses. Just being able to enjoy my music each time I listen to the Kharmas without thinking about the system or what can be tweaked is what they are about. They are the largest 70 lb speakers I have ever heard. The sound stage is unsurpassed. It is enveloping and addictive. The midrange is unencumbered, the highs airy and extended, and the bass is deep, dynamic and textured.

Do you think I like them? :)
I have contacted a Kharma dealer in my country and when I asked for a discount on the CRM 3.2F he said that he would give me big discount if I bought more than one set of Kharmas!! I told him that I was having enough trouble putting together the money for one set! However I did ask how big a discount he would be willing to give and he said that he would give 20% discount if I bought 2 sets! Thats pretty good. In Europe the price of the CRM 3.2F is 14500 euro. With a 20% discount it is around 11.500 euro.

Would any of you guys be interested in helping me out? It seems like a good deal for anyone looking for this speaker. If you are not interested in this model I can ask my dealer if the discount is good on other models as well.

Answer in this thread or email me personal.

Best regards