Attention: Dunlavy Audio Labs out of business

I cannot believe that I am the first to post this.

Any comments to this? Was this just well known to everyone but me?
If it is true, it does not surprise me in the least. While great speakers, they are not good looking by any standards. In thier respective price ranges, there are several other speakers that are preferable. Sound wise they are very competitive but who wants cofins in their room when they could have Wilson WattPuppies or Merlins that look beautiful. It is sad though.
The impending demise of Dunlavy has been mentioned on Audiogon over the past 6 months or so. Guess it's finally official. Too bad -- John Dunlavy designed fine speakers (among a small group making time- and phase-accurate speakers), and ran a very ethical business operation. I trust his business will be reincarnated in the not-too-distant future.
I have a pair if SC-III and Dunlavy speaker cables, and about a month ago I called regarding a question about the cables, the customer service person didn't know anything about the cables and didn't even know who manufactures then for Dunlavy, eventually he connected me with another person who gave me the name of the cable manufacturer, but when I called that manufacturer, they also were out of business.
It sounded strange to me that Dunlavy couldn't answer questions or knew who makes the cable for them.
This encounter made me suspicious and this announcement confirmed my concerns.
when the new owners killed the athenas because they" didn't fit the product line" (per their email responce to a question) i sensed trouble. killing probably their best mass apeal speaker on looks...dumb! I listented to a lot of speakers before i bought the dunlavy and couldn't find anything in the price range that compared let alone bettered the athenas. Glad i have mine.