Recommended Carrier for Speaker Shipments


Does anyone have experience with shipping speakers across country?

My speakers weigh 103 pounds each and they are in perfect condition. I wish to have them upgraded by the manufacturer located in CA. I am in CT.

I am very nervous about shipping them, based on some of my experiences shipping other audio components.

What's the safest way to ship speakers (with cost also being a secondary consideration)?

I just used FedEx Ground to have a pair of PSB Image 5T's shipped to me from Canada. One speaker arrived with the magnet sheered off the woofer and banging/knocking around inside the cabinet. It must have been dropped, par for the course with all ground shippers I think. The box looked ROUGH, with torn/dented/banged up corners and a tear in the bottom. Amazingly, the cabinets were not damaged. Just the sheered off magnet. I can buy a new driver and do a quick replacement, but I won't be using FedEx Ground for anything heavy again. They are truly rough and careless, same as UPS. Check several other threads on this issue within the last year--same complaints and experiences w/FedEx Ground as with UPS.
A further word of advice -- PACK IT YOURSELF! A seller took some gear that I had bought to one of those Mailboxes, Etc. places, and they packed a Lexicon DC-1 and a 50 pound Rotel amp IN THE SAME BOX.

Needless to say, damage ocurred, and needless to say, UPS is working very very hard at not paying . . . .

It might be more of a hassle to do the packing yourself, but at least you know it's done right.
I'm guessing you have a set of Vandersteen 3s or 3as that you're getting upgraded to Signature status, right? (Not that it matters...). I suggest you call the speaker company and get their recommendation for carrier. They're in the best position to know who mangles their products and who doesn't...
Agree with packing yourself. I've shipped lots of speakers with UPS. They need to be double boxed. UPS sells sturdy large boxes. Use the factory box and then pack with kraft paper or newspaper in the second box. Insure them for retail and pray!
I recently had my Thiels sent round trip via WATKINS MOTOR LINES,INC. 1-800-274-9099. I was very satisfied. They were recommended by Thiel. Very professional looking outfit with mostly new computer and TV's on skiffs on the loading dock. I suspect they specialize in this market.